screenshot of ai face tracking demo showing the ai ignoring the reference actors eyes and barely registering her mouth position

it ignores her eyes THE WHOLE TIME!

it's like if all browser bugs were like IE6 bugs that only happened sometimes because you have a float after an inline element that contains the letter c, or sometims b, somewhere in the dom.

[-] 20 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

it's like little toy tugboats trying to steer the titanic around icebergs

[-] 2 points 3 days ago

i wonder if it has nudity

[-] 12 points 3 days ago

it's all so anti-precision

[-] 37 points 3 days ago

Is it absurd that the maker of a tech product controls it by writing it a list of plain language guidelines? or am I out of touch?

[-] 4 points 3 days ago

well this fucken sucks. I was rooting for the dude and his projects.

[-] 16 points 1 week ago

we used to strive for minimum possible front-end payload, and it was an embarrassment to do anything with JS that wasn't backed up by a non-js default. Will never forget how suddenly React removed all those things from front-end team meetings.

They were solid industry-wide concerns that just... disappeared

[-] 17 points 1 week ago

I'm sorry you are this way

A Rant about Front-end Development (
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

A masterful rant about the shit state of the web from a front-end dev perspective

There’s a disconcerting number of front-end developers out there who act like it wasn’t possible to generate HTML on a server prior to 2010. They talk about SSR only in the context of Node.js and seem to have no clue that people started working on this problem when season 5 of Seinfeld was on air2.

Server-side rendering was not invented with Node. What Node brought to the table was the convenience of writing your shitty div soup in the very same language that was invented in 10 days for the sole purpose of pissing off Java devs everywhere.

Server-side rendering means it’s rendered on the fucking server. You can do that with PHP, ASP, JSP, Ruby, Python, Perl, CGI, and hell, R. You can server-side render a page in Lua if you want.

[-] 15 points 1 month ago

for the sneerclub fans, this vid about MS Satoshi was pretty funny. All the Adam Something videos are entertaining for a couch sneer

[-] 16 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

thanks! I had to squeeze one out to avoid a whole year passing since my last blog post. Hopefully will keep 'em coming from here on. Settled nicely in Amsterdam now

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

This is not so much about a particular post but rather to document Jakob Nielsen's relentless generative AI boosting.

His weekly updates are so saturated with AI subject matter and every image is AI generated they are unreadable and I can only assume the text is AI generated as well. It really doesn't matter if it isn't, in fact, because he's demonstrating in real-time how damaging the AI aesthetic is to a brand.

He also seems to be mentioning his 40 years of expertise a lot more, which might be a reaction to some negative feedback. I want to dig deeper, but I don't like the feeling that I'll have to read generated stuff carefully.

His latest newsletter triggered this post because he links to a terrible AI generated song he made (with the line "Jakob Nielsen with UX fame, forty-one years, still in the game") and spends most of the newsletter talking about the process.

[-] 19 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Haha “as one insider told me (who is not me)”

Jason isn’t even a tech bro, he’s just a weird rich dork

Omegle dot com ded (

replaced with essay of lament by creator.

My only hot take: a thing being x amount of good for y amount of people is not justification enough for it to exist despite it being z amount of bad for var amount of people.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

I don’t really have much to say… it kind of speaks for itself. I do appreciate the table of contents so you don’t get lost in the short paragraphs though

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

The decentralised finance club needs to make their core values poster bigger and easier to understand

We’re here in 2023 and they still forget that the core value of “not your keys not your wallet” is the equivalent of putting your cash under your mattress instead of using a bank and the complexity that comes with that is unavoidable.

You can get more people to use a mediocre product/technology by making it easy to use

People will use complex products/technologies if they are useful enough.

But these people can’t make it useful so they keep banging their head against the wall trying to make it more simple.

It is inevitable that they will try the even lazier route of deceiving people into thinking it is simple.


edit: changed title to reduce keyword matches in lemmy fediverse searches

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

I always knew they had it in them, I just thought they'd ease into it a little

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