[-] EvilCartyen@feddit.dk 7 points 20 hours ago

Altså jeg tog gummistøvler og lange bukser på og gik ud og slog en masse højt græs med le. Nej, det gjorde ikke dagen koldere.....

[-] EvilCartyen@feddit.dk 1 points 2 days ago

What a frustrating match

[-] EvilCartyen@feddit.dk 2 points 3 days ago

I suppose :) I just like feddit.org - as a name - better than lemm.ee - but that's just my preference.

I suggest the mod of this community makes a decision and we do that.

[-] EvilCartyen@feddit.dk 6 points 3 days ago

Yes, and like feddit.dk is Danish-speaking. These language-specific instances make sense, and ideally we'd have a different instance for international communities like a europe-community. But, you know, beggars can't be choosers and so it seems like we need to make a suboptimal choice :)

[-] EvilCartyen@feddit.dk 6 points 3 days ago

feddit.eu seems to be a one-person abandoned instance. To me, feddit.org seems like a fine place.

There's also !europe@jlai.lu - but it seems to be exclusively francophone.

[-] EvilCartyen@feddit.dk 2 points 3 days ago

....so.... feddit.org? What's the alternative?


Hi :)

All mods on procycling@lemmy.world are inactive, and it'd be useful going forward if we could get an active mod. I'm on a different instance, obviously, but I don't mind doing it. If you'd rather make someone with an account on this instance mod that's fine and I'll ask if there are any volunteers.

Is that possible?

[-] EvilCartyen@feddit.dk 1 points 4 days ago

I did go for that 😁 was a simple checkbox in the router settings.

[-] EvilCartyen@feddit.dk 14 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Thanks - I have an icotera i4850 router which claims to support NAT loopback, but I can't figure out where to do it and it seems like the manual is gone from the internet :) Might have to ask my internet provider if they have a PDF somewhere.

Edit: D'oh, it's a checkbox in the port forwarding interface! Thanks a bunch, didn't know what to look for before your reply :)


So maybe I am missing something obvious, but here goes:

I've got a small server at home, and I have simply.com pointing various domains to it. Works fine, nginx routs the traffic where it needs to go.

But whenever I am at home and connected to wifi I have to use the internal address and port to reach my server, e.g. for my Jellyfin server. If I use the public URL at home, i hit the login page to my router.

This is annoying when I use apps, as I need to switch between the public URL and the internal address as I come and go from my home...

What are my options for doing something about this? I want to use the public URL at home too....


So I'm just getting started with selfhosting things, and I have a minor problem which I'm having some trouble solving, as I keep getting a connection refused error when trying to connect:

send() failed (111: Connection refused) while resolving, resolver:

I run a jellyfin server on a NUC - it works well and is accessible on the private network. I want to have a public URL for this server - and other stuff, eventually.

Here's my setup

  • I have a subdomain - jellyfin.mydomain.com - pointed to the external IP for my router
  • I have the router set up to allow remote access, and port forwarding directing all port 80 traffic to my public ip > port 80 on the server
  • On my server - running ubuntu - I installed nginx
  • I used the official jellyfin nginx config for access from a subdomain
  • I edited the server_name variable to match my subdomain

Now, whenever I access the subdomain in a browser I get a 502 Bad Gateway error. The /var/lof/nginx/error.logshows:

2024/05/10 08:26:37 [error] 95335#95335: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while resolving, resolver:
2024/05/10 08:26:37 [error] 95335#95335: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while resolving, resolver:
2024/05/10 08:26:42 [error] 95335#95335: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while resolving, resolver:
2024/05/10 08:26:47 [error] 95335#95335: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while resolving, resolver:
2024/05/10 08:26:52 [error] 95335#95335: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while resolving, resolver:
2024/05/10 08:26:57 [error] 95335#95335: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while resolving, resolver:
2024/05/10 08:27:02 [error] 95335#95335: send() failed (111: Connection refused) while resolving, resolver:
2024/05/10 08:27:07 [error] 95335#95335: *69 jellyfin could not be resolved (110: Operation timed out), client:, server: jellyfin.mysubdomain.com, request: "GET /web/ HTTP/1.1", host: "jellyfin.mysubdomain.com"

I have almost no experience with networking, linux, or nginx :D So I am sure the problem is obvious to someone else....

Can you help?

submitted 3 months ago by EvilCartyen@feddit.dk to c/fedditdk@feddit.dk

Giver det mening at have et køb & salg community? Jeg har tit ting jeg normalt ville sætte til salg på facebook eller reddit som jeg tænkte måske kunne være oplagt at sælge her. Men der kan jo også godt være nogle faldgruber jeg ikke har overvejet...


I like stroopwafels, but they're too expensive in Denmark. I bet you can make them at home for a tenth of the price.

But whats the best recipe?

submitted 4 months ago by EvilCartyen@feddit.dk to c/fedditdk@feddit.dk

Title 😁

Efter opdatering kan keh ligge ind via min Connect app, men på desktop får jeg en 'Logged in' notits men er in fact ikke logged in.

Det virker fint fra browser på tlf...

submitted 5 months ago by EvilCartyen@feddit.dk to c/mtg@mtgzone.com

So I've always wanted an Enchantress deck, but never had the cash when I was playing legacy. But now we're suddenly playing Commander and I think it might still be fun to give Enchantress a go...

I was thinking to go with Sythis, Harvest Hand as the commander. What have you played that's fun?

submitted 5 months ago by EvilCartyen@feddit.dk to c/europe@feddit.de
Feddit design (feddit.dk)
submitted 5 months ago by EvilCartyen@feddit.dk to c/fedditdk@feddit.dk

Er der egentlig mulighed for at styre det design som feddit.dk bruger? Jeg kunne sådan helt konkret godt have brug for en dropdown eller lignende i topmenuen med mine subscribed communities.

Det kunne også være nice hvis man kunne nøjes med at vise community navnet og måske kun vise suffixes (@lemmy.world ) ved hover.


[-] EvilCartyen@feddit.dk 54 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

High degree of unionization (90%+), no state interference in negotiations between worker unions and employer unions, fixed term 4 year collective agreements, a broad understanding by both workers and employers that everyone has an interest in a strong economy and a flexible work market.

Also sometimes known as the Danish Model.

[-] EvilCartyen@feddit.dk 55 points 5 months ago

My experience as well, kids are nicer to each other than we were in the 90s for sure.

God Jul (feddit.dk)
submitted 6 months ago by EvilCartyen@feddit.dk to c/fedditdk@feddit.dk

God jul motherfuckers!

submitted 6 months ago by EvilCartyen@feddit.dk to c/teknologi@feddit.dk
[-] EvilCartyen@feddit.dk 40 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

And no group of conservatives forcing him to carry it to term? Shame!

[-] EvilCartyen@feddit.dk 42 points 9 months ago

That seems... Immature? I mean, in a general sense the guy on top is responsible for combating corruption, but really it's usually a systemic and cultural issue as well.

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