[-] kota@hexbear.net 10 points 1 week ago

I don't know the current status on this, but it worked by recording your phone's mac address (or bluetooth address) when your phone scans for wifi networks. So it could track you without you even needing to join the network. AFAIK this particular tactic was countered by Android and IOS randomizing the mac address it sends out (your networking stack can simply lie about it).

[-] kota@hexbear.net 23 points 2 weeks ago

Yep... might be a good idea to archive your favorite videos, tutorials, etc before it's rolled out to everyone

[-] kota@hexbear.net 38 points 2 weeks ago

Sadly this approach is very likely impossible to block. It's much more computationally intensive for google, which is why they haven't done this in the past, but it is essentially impossible to block if done well.

[-] kota@hexbear.net 16 points 2 weeks ago

been doing this for years and at this point I've got such a huge backlog it'd take me years to get through it all

[-] kota@hexbear.net 27 points 1 month ago

Basically when you "move fast and break things" eventually all those broken things catches up to you

Heat Death of the Internet (www.takahe.org.nz)
submitted 1 month ago by kota@hexbear.net to c/technology@hexbear.net
[-] kota@hexbear.net 5 points 2 months ago

Yea, I personally don't think of flesh and bodily fluids as being food shrug-outta-hecks

submitted 2 months ago by kota@hexbear.net to c/technology@hexbear.net

Enter xz, a modern compression utility for modern binaries. If gzip(1) is a Subaru Forester that "gets you where you need to go", xz is a lifted Ford F-250 that "just ran a stop and killed a cyclist".

[-] kota@hexbear.net 7 points 3 months ago

For a filemanager try out nnn it takes a bit of getting used to but it's very elegant and has a lot of clever little quality of life features. I use pulsemixer for volume and ncmpcpp + mpd for music. I like this cli calculator. It works basically as you'd expect and you can use . to mean "result of last calculation".

I guess I'll also plug my calendar program lol:

I wrote this calendar over the last few years. Pressing enter on a day allows you to write a note/journal entry for that day, which can be previewed quickly in the calendar. You can also add keywords like "appointment" which, if they exist in a note, will change the color used to display that day:

I've added various other features over the years like a help menu (press ?) and mouse support. There's only a few minor things left I have planned so it's mostly a "finished" project which is nice.

submitted 3 months ago by kota@hexbear.net to c/programming@hexbear.net

Pretty much what is says in the title. Redis had been using the BSD-3 license for years to encourage developers to write code for them for free and now they've gone and switched to some custom proprietary license in order to secure their theft of the labor of everyone who has contributed to the project over the years. It's the same age old story.

A harsh, but important reminder to never write code for projects with these weak open source licenses. These licenses ONLY exist so that your labor can be stolen, either by them re-licensing at some point in the future or other companies taking it right now. That's the only reason they use BSD/MIT-style licenses.

As an aside it's a shame we're stuck with the GPL given the person who wrote it.

[-] kota@hexbear.net 2 points 3 months ago

Just changed it to 70ch and yea I think I prefer this stalin-approval

[-] kota@hexbear.net 20 points 3 months ago

I think the only major things would be around the css selectors like footer > * + * {, but it wouldn't really take too many changes. It basically already works in w3m

[-] kota@hexbear.net 22 points 3 months ago

Incredible! That's pretty much what I was gonna say. Might throw this dockerfile in the extras folder.

Yea the hexbear specific stuff basically boils down to the taglines, the emojis, and the header in home.tmpl. There's quite a few things I could do to make it a lot easier to use for other lemmy instances ... there's not a lot of configuration right now, but I tried to leave a lot of comments in the code.

submitted 3 months ago by kota@hexbear.net to c/technology@hexbear.net

My phone barely manages to load the site. Pages crash and when they do load it's around 10-15 seconds. Pretty much all newer js-dependant websites are like this for me. I simply don't use most newer websites on my phone. Maybe eventually I'll buy a new phone, but things work fine on my laptop so I mostly use that and having a phone from this decade is bourgeois decadence.

A while back I thought maybe I should take a crack at writing a fast and simple read-only frontend that I can use on my phone similar I guess to nitter, invidious, bibliogram, etc.

So I went ahead and did just that: https://diethex.net

Hilariously, I actually wound up doing this TWICE. The first time I finished it up last June and then the site migrated to lemmy v3 so I had to rewrite almost everything which I just now got around to this month. Here's the code in case anyone wants to read it: https://git.sr.ht/~kota/hex

When a page is requested all of its data (comments, posts, etc) are cached for the next 20 minutes which dramatically reduces requests to the actual website when you're browsing around. Also every page is statically generated from simple html templates on the server; so javascript isn't required. I wound up adding a tiiiny bit of optional js to allow opening and closing comments. So you can swipe to the left on a phone to close a comment.

If hexbear is already fast for you then there's no point in using this, but figured I'd say something in case there's anyone else with my issues.

[-] kota@hexbear.net 6 points 3 months ago

It's cool for some stuff, I follow a lot of artists and indie game devs on there and it's nice and chill. The people I follow are supportive of each other and it feels more like a community than like a marketplace. I was never into twitter though so I dunno if people looking for that will like it.

[-] kota@hexbear.net 4 points 3 months ago


It's a "d&d" podcast, but without marvel vibes some of big ones give off. The world is very creative and feels more like a fairy tale than your standard lotr style fantasy, it's got subtle sound effects and music edited in, and the dm calls himself a socialist (okay he's certainly not an ml or anything, but the show isn't full of cringey anti-communist tropes).

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by kota@hexbear.net to c/technology@hexbear.net

TLDR: Microsoft worked with Intel and AMD to develop Pluton which is basically a TPM chip designed to prevent running non-microsoft approved software. It will likely make it impossible to boot un-approved linux distros, bsd, and likely will make it very hard to run any un-approved software in the future.

This CPU "feature" is very likely to be a requirement for Windows 12 in 2024. Meaning nearly every computer available will have this and the majority of manufactures will not allow you to unlock the bootloader.

Similar situation to running LineageOS or PostmarketOS phones. For now, it can be "disabled" in bios on most of these computers, but that's simply a choice the OEM is making and will no longer need to make once this has become prevalent without any real pushback.

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