[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 2 points 52 minutes ago

Fucking guillotines already

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 2 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

OK I also briefly thought "our problem" but I'm actually PRETTY CONCERNED about the words "only goal" when I really think about it? "Only", as in "Yeah, feeding on humanity is definitely ONE thing we're shooting for, but come on guys, there's lots of applications"

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 13 points 2 hours ago

You know that Onion article, "No Way to Prevent This says only nation where this regularly happens" that was getting posted like 3 times a year, for a decade, and now it seems like we're at the point where even The Onion won't bother posting it any more?

The comic was posted a CENTURY AGO. Good work america. Literally sticking to your guns.

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 4 points 3 hours ago

Fuck's sake those serfs can be trained to hunt too, what a waste

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 21 points 1 day ago

Shooting a gun is well within the president's power. If he can shoot a gun with no consequences, Congress doesn't have the ability to ignore shit.

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 39 points 1 day ago

I know the joke here is that we're just in an endless cycle, but if this happened now and we reverted to stone age sun god worshippers, we'd find it a LOT harder to redevelop modern technology. We've literally plundered the reachable raw materials in the ground, and scoured the biomes.

The biomes would eventually recover (and become something new), but all that nice reachable coal is gone. We may not make it if that happens.

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 136 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

He can do that by officially assassinating the conservative SC justices, nominating new ones, and then having armed marines inside the senate comittees to ensure they are confirmed immediately.

There's probably a few more steps, but this would get us back on track. He would have to be willing to give up his powers at a certain point, which means installing the legal apparatus (in the form of government officials) with the will to strip those powers.

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 13 points 1 day ago

"How long are your guts?" might work if he was gay.

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 17 points 1 day ago

It doesn't really seem that hard to test? Emotions--at least in their occurrence and strength--are detectable with non-invasive brain scans. We've been doing that for ages. Put some electrodes on a baby, let them see their mommy, watch the graph spike until they turn away.

The argument "how could we know that about babies?" was used, for decades, to justify doing surgery on babies without anesthesia. They can't talk, so who knows if they're feeling pain or not. Guess we can safely assume they don't. Point being, we don't have to have a conversation with them about it to know why they're doing something.

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 22 points 1 day ago

And there's no solidarity like class solidarity. Remember Ellen Degeneres hanging out with Bush? Bruce Wayne would've been in that skybox too.

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Heh, your reaction is totally valid, I had the same thoughts when I was looking at the comic. I added "so people don't think it's gay" just to be funny, I don't know anything about the artist. I was mainly drawing attention to the fact that--as you just said--nobody has to do this. We get the joke without the tits.

[-] xantoxis@lemmy.world 58 points 2 days ago

I'm glad one of the eternal spectres of death was female-coded so we know it's not a gay romance between two personifications of the grave.


I'm setting up with HA and zigbee smart bulbs. I've got a few automations already set up, such as turning on a bunch of lights in the morning and turning most of them off again at night.

All these lights still have physical switches. I don't want to take those switches out for lots of reasons, and putting smart switches there seems like overkill when the bulbs are already smart. What are people doing with their physical light switches to ensure that they don't get flipped?

Ideas I've had:

  • some kind of physical plastic covering that fits snugly around it. I'd probably do this if I had a 3d printer, but I don't. Maybe someone sells a thing like this? More just a reminder not to touch them.
  • Carefully paint the switches a different color (perhaps the HA color scheme?). Again, basically just a reminder. This especially makes sense with a few multi-switch plates where some of the connected lights are automated and some are intentionally left manual.
  • Entirely replace the plate with a smart switch? Besides incurring a nontrivial cost and being a bunch of work to install, this won't even help me with the aforementioned multiswitch plates. I don't want all my lights automated.

Other ideas?

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