“E.V.A Information Security researchers uncovered several vulnerabilities in the CocoaPods dependency manager that allows any malicious actor to claim ownership over thousands of unclaimed pods and insert malicious code into many of the most popular iOS and MacOS applications. These vulnerabilities have since been patched.”

[-] balder1993@programming.dev 6 points 2 weeks ago

There’s no free lunch after all. Go’s quick compilation also means the language is very simple, which means all the complexity shifts to the program’s code.

[-] balder1993@programming.dev 5 points 2 weeks ago

This kind of thing can be easily automated nowadays. It’s not really a problem.

[-] balder1993@programming.dev 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

And at that point you’ll also have a better idea of the problem and solution.

[-] balder1993@programming.dev 5 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

It helps to look up certain concepts in the Wiki (Arch Wiki is probably the most complete and well explained) as you come across them. The idea is to increase knowledge little by little, but over time it compounds.


“The Swift compiler is notoriously slow due to how types are inferred. Every June I hope that Apple will announce that they fixed it; sadly this is not that year.”

[-] balder1993@programming.dev 5 points 3 weeks ago

First thing I install in each platform is fish

[-] balder1993@programming.dev 7 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

So many websites out there are built on Django, Flask, etc. (YouTube must have spent a decade using Python, Instagram, Threads etc. all use Python and optimize as they need).

[-] balder1993@programming.dev 8 points 2 months ago

dependency injection is an abomination

I don’t think so, dependency injection has made testing easier in all static typed code bases I worked on.

[-] balder1993@programming.dev 15 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Benchmarks should be like a scientific paper: they should describe all the choices made and why for the configurations. At least that will show if the people doing it really understand what they’re comparing.

[-] balder1993@programming.dev 9 points 3 months ago

As a non game dev, does Flutter really offer anything compared to traditional 2D game engines? I thought most of them are also open source?


“An issue introduced by macOS 14.4, which causes Java process to terminate unexpectedly, is affecting all Java versions from Java 8 to the early access builds of JDK 22. There is no workaround available, and since there is no easy way to revert a macOS update, affected users might be unable to return to a stable configuration unless they have a complete backup of their systems prior to the OS update.”

[-] balder1993@programming.dev 12 points 6 months ago

The whole article seems a bit forced with many topics that are present in most other languages too. I don’t think “Faster release cycle” is one reason Java got where it is today.

[-] balder1993@programming.dev 8 points 6 months ago

Android dev will be overwhelming for a beginner. If you’re still learning, I’d suggest starting with some command line stuff just to get the hang of the standard library, concepts etc.

You can use any IDE for simple stuff but Android Studio is tailored for Android framework complexities that added up over time.


“Now that iOS 17 is available, let’s analyze its built-in apps to answer a few questions: How many binaries are in iOS 17? Which programming languages are used to develop these apps? How many apps are written with Swift? What is the percentage of apps using SwiftUI versus UIKit?”

SwiftUI Sensory Feedback (useyourloaf.com)

In iOS 17, Apple added a range of sensory feedback view modifiers to SwiftUI removing the need to rely on UIKit.


#Predicate is a new Macro available since Swift 5.9 and Xcode 15, allowing you to filter or search a data collection. It can be seen as a replacement for the old-fashioned NSPredicate we’re used to from the Objective-C days.

[-] balder1993@programming.dev 4 points 10 months ago

Just as an example, I worked as a contractor with the biggest bank in Latin America before and basically all their server code is Java (with new code in Kotlin nowadays).


An overview of the different types of charts you can make with Swift Charts


Get ready to dive deep into the inner workings of the Objective-C language and runtime! Each post delves into a specific aspect of the language and explores the details of its implementation. I hope you’ll find this valuable to demystify the language, tackle tricky bugs, and optimize your code for performance.


Y-Charts is a Jetpack Compose-based charts/graphs library that enables developers to easily integrate various types of charts/graphs into their existing UI to visually represent statistical data.

WWDC 2023: What's New in Core Data (betterprogramming.pub)

Although at WWDC 2023, Apple will mainly focus on introducing the new data framework SwiftData, Core Data, as the cornerstone of SwiftData, has also been enhanced to some extent.

iOS Dev Weekly - Issue 616 (iosdevweekly.com)
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