[-] OpenStars@startrek.website 1 points 3 days ago

My theory was that they had kept him tucked away somewhere in Vorlon space all that time - I forget if they said he worked over others, but if so then he could have been kept either in stasis or merely with no work to be done in-between, which might be heaven for some but for his personality type seemed like hell.

But either way, like you said about Lyta, he was an absolute tool - their absolute tool.

[-] OpenStars@startrek.website 2 points 3 days ago

Yeah and he could also have been a clone, so both rather than either-or:-). I don't think they'd hesitate to lie to him, or conversely to tell the truth about his abduction, so if he has memories that they allowed him to keep I presume they would be real - the Vorlons just couldn't care less otherwise so why not? (Occam's Razor)

You bring up a very interesting point about Kosh: yes the Vorlons were assholes, but he (it? they?) was not - and oddly enough, it wasn't that he "wasn't a (real) Vorlon", but rather like he was a true one and all the others were the fakes?

I don't quite have the words but like, he was what he was because he knew about the ancient task that they had set out for themselves hundreds of thousands or even millions of years hence, and decided to actually do it rather than as the others all seemed to, do the exact opposite of "guide" the younger races (to self-discovery).

John Sheridan was ofc the same type, as too was G'Kar: both men ready for war, while in the service of peace (a different purpose than the Vorlons... or is it?).

We see this all over now: people showing up on January 6 at the USA capital to "defend" democracy by... overthrowing it? And religion that somehow becomes warped into diddling kids, yet side by side with others in the "exact same" religion who take care of widows and orphans and do so much good in the world. The cheaters are never going to be honest about who they are, preferring instead to hide out within the existing substance living as parasites rather than do the work of making their own structures, borrowing its reputation and forms of earned authority - e.g. President Clark did not declare himself an emperor but retained the title of a democratic "President", despite the literal coup that gave him that position.

Kosh, John, and G'Kar were those who refused to blindly follow their culture to "just do the thing", and instead questioned everything according to the logical principles of self-consistency: "is what I'm doing right according to the goal that I want to eventually reach?", and by doing such they not only served their peoples (hehe, but not necessarily the ones in charge at the time) but also lead them, as in they went out ahead and did that next right thing, thus setting an example for others to follow, if they wanted.

So I said that I lacked the words but a stab at it could be: Kosh was who he was not despite being a Vorlon, but rather because of it. However, if true, that has massive implications for the nature of Truth, i.e. it must not be defined by a majority-rules consensus (even for something like a race of people or a democracy) and rather some other standard that if not purely external then at least is not entirely internally defined, in the sense that it is a combination of whatever was internal but also subject to the (external?) constraints imposed by the need to remain logically consistent.

As in, there was a "correct" way to be, and Kosh chose it in defiance of his people, which we as consumers of the media recognize and respect.

That show is so deep. Or perhaps it is better to say that I feel deeper as a result of thinking about the material presented in the show.:-)

[-] OpenStars@startrek.website 159 points 3 months ago

It makes sense. He's actually been competent, which not many (certainly not I) quite expected, but the media hasn't reported a lot of his successes, which have been unusually deployed and quite complex to begin with. People don't understand it. Maybe they'll vote for him anyway, but it's not assured, somehow even with Trump on the other side again.

e.g.how he blocked the railway strike at Christmas to save "the economy" first and foremost at the workers expense, but then kept working afterwards to help get most if not all of their demands met (I'm not sure if they got any sick leave though). Right or wrong, in the past that would have been hailed as a "huge success", but instead we barely heard about it.

Likewise with Gaza he has tried to toe the line - we technically have obligations to fulfill there, but does genocide change that, and if so what is the process by which to do that, and is he engaging in that, or doesn't Israel have a veto anyway, so what else is he doing that we might want done?

We have depended upon our media so much, to tell us not just what happened but what it means and how to feel about it all. So with it being bought out now by billionaires... it is like our fourth branch of government has become as unreliable as Congress and the Supreme Court.

[-] OpenStars@startrek.website 157 points 3 months ago

Studies have shown that in places where porn is blocked, rape occurs at higher frequencies than in places where that is not the case, possibly due to higher levels of feelings of frustration and repression. This may be only one website now, but if others likewise follow the trend out of fear of litigation... then Texas may become a much more dangerous state to live in in the very near future, even compared to what it already is now.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by OpenStars@startrek.website to c/reddit@lemmy.world

NEW YORK, Feb 7 (Reuters Breakingviews) - Social media platform Reddit, which helps its users “dive into anything,” may finally plunge into the public markets. The 19-year-old company made over $800 million in sales last year, at least 20% more than in 2022, according to Bloomberg. But a dearth of profit this late into its existence portends the lack of a real business model, suggesting it’s still not ready for public company life.


Original link: https://www.reuters.com/breakingviews/investors-will-say-ok-boomer-aging-reddit-2024-02-07/

[-] OpenStars@startrek.website 99 points 4 months ago


[-] OpenStars@startrek.website 109 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

TLDR: not worth reading the article, it's just a long list of third party apps that are no longer free anymore, totally ignoring matters such as their usage stats and more importantly the content itself that is now flat-out missing from Reddit. Go to any old thread and you'll see the "this content has been removed by" (whichever of the automated software to remove posts was used in that case) messages.

Honestly it reads like a shill to promote Reddit as in "hey, all that fuss was for nothing - you should totally come back now". It got fairly obvious even at the start when it said that the protests ~~lasts~~ (edit: lasted) for "weeks" - not the more truthful "months", not "permanent changes", but the minimum amount they could halfway reasonably get away with stating.

I am biased, and this article is far more so, and less forgivably so bc mine is a personal opinion while this is touted as "news".

[-] OpenStars@startrek.website 97 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

The article ends with:

it is only going to get shittier

(in reference to a comment that Musk had said to advertisers to go ‘fuck themselves’, so meaning i.e. X, not necessarily overall, i.e. Fediverse)

[-] OpenStars@startrek.website 112 points 5 months ago

"H-hey guys, w-what did you expect me to do - be forced to carry it all the way to term, giving up all my hopes & dreams for the future b/c of one little mistake, made months ago? It was him I told you - he told me to do it! He said he'd be there for me!?"

[-] OpenStars@startrek.website 105 points 5 months ago

Please God let this be a humorous post that somehow does not also find a way to manage to come true...

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