i want the outrunners to come out dressed like the materia guy in wall market and reenect "the stuff" vending machine scene with ftr
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it sucks being a tegan nox fan ~~some~~most days π
Yup :(
Just a head's up to everyone: I may be around less the next few days (possibly not noticeably so) so if things don't get posted uh.. Β―\_(γ)_/Β―
Got 2 computers in the house, 1 is dying, tried to replace it, shit went wrong, said computer now looks to be dead, and 2 people gotta share this one which is well past its life span XD
I will do my best to remember to post the live threads.
I should still have it covered for the record, but yeah please do if you notice we're getting to crunch time and I'm awol <3
(I might have gotten the wifes laptop working....for now...we'll see how this bitch holds up...the laptop not the wife lol).
Can somebody please explain TrillerTV+ to me? I can't sort out what is and is not included
Found this on the site:
The TrillerTV+ Subscription gives you:
Access to the Portuguese League(Primeira Liga) in select territories Access to the Eredivisie in select territories Access to the AFC Asian cup in the UK and Ireland Access to the AFC Champions League Elite in select territories
Exclusive weekly live schedule that includes Wrestling, Boxing, MMA and more
The home of some of the biggest wrestling promotions: GCW, ICW, Wrestling Revolver, AIW and more
One subscription gives you access on all of your devices with no hidden costs
Live and on-demand events from 200+ sports organizations including BKFC, Shamrock, Triller Fight Club, Fight2Win, SlapFight and many more
Access to 4 000+ hours of exclusive on-demand video library
Options: Monthly pass, Annual pass
Browse the full TrillerTV+ upcoming live schedule. Enjoy our 7-day free trial for new subscribers.
New live shows are added every week.
*AEW weekly live shows are only part of the AEW+ subscription package on TrillerTV available internationally. Watch AEW live shows here.
** AEW PPVs are not included in any subscription and no subscription is needed to purchase them
Thank you! The best I can come up with is GCW, a bunch of others, not AEW or TNA or PPVs. I can't decide if I wanna pull the trigger or not. I need to figure out if MLP (I keep second guessing myself. I think that's the right one) is PPV or included with the subscription.
I'm conflicted because I don't really know anything on there, except kind of GCW. It makes me both hesitant and curious. I want to branch out and explore other promotions, but I have no way of applying a value to the subscription
I'd recommend if you aren't 100% sure by at the latest April, give it a month or so around then specifically (even if its just for a one month test). During WrestleMania weekend GCW puts on 'The Collective' which is a ton of PPVs. During this past WM weekend they had 7 shows (one co-produced with TJPW, 2 Joey Janela shows, a couple GCW/JCW shows, Bloodsport, For The Culture (all black wrestlers), plus 3 more a week or two later so that'll be worth the cost alone (April 17-19 2025 is the coming one)
That sounds like a good time. I'll try to remember when the time comes
Just found out that Andre the Giants first lost was to Kendo Nagasaki. I feel like I need to get that out there, it's been throwing me off for a while.
I'm getting real tired of trying to brush thermal paste out of a CPU socket and I just really needed to state that.