Just realized even alive dad's aren't safe around Christian Cage anymore
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me last week: down with the patriachy
me now: kip sabian is so pretty π
this is ricochet and powerhouse hobbs (i like it)
Hayter vs ford was such a banger, and then it just kinda ended?
Yeah I hope they aren't just ending things here. That's 3ish weeks of build up for just a 1 match "ok I win bye" deal otherwise.
No telling but we may be getting some hard pivots. Saraya basically disappeared, Harley is off doing her own thing presumably and Willow got injured recently.
Think of other dropped threads, Serena Deeb looked like she was gonna be building a stable and feuding with Queen Aminata but that also kind of vanished
Dang that is a lot of things that dropped isnt it..
Yeah, I usually err on the side of injuries for most things that get dropped. Everything moves so fast though that even quick acknowledgements can slip through.
- like even Guevara being injured might have slightly thrown things off. I thought it was weird that Lio lost to Komander before I realized it was because he had Fletcher on Collision. Replace Komander with Sammy though and it makes way more sense since he's a former family member and more believably above Lio in kayfabe
And there goes Kamile's arm in a car door, $10 says we dont see her for 2-4 weeks minimum until TK believes the internet's memory has lapsed.
Hobbs is back and he is pissed!
He's also Big, Black, and Jacked
M i n a
I s
C o m i n g
~~I~~ W e
W a n t
M i n a !
ππ πππ
MJF dun gonna have Adams knees broken.
Edit: And maybe Don's lol
Hurt Syndicate looking like fucking money.
When you put it like that The Don Callis Family does have a bunch of enemies
I'm salivating over the thought of Hobbs in The Hurt Syndicate
Splotch of B&W with a QR Code. Timeless Toni has to be back next week too
So Triple threat with KOR lurking is guaranteed fuckery right?
Sooo no else backstage wanted to help Darby and OC?
Only The Congolmeration saw while warming up? Mox was right, these guys deserve the beatdowns
I'm hype for Swerve vs Lashley
Jesus fucking Christ another Conglomeration vs The Learning Tree
If ROH gets a TV deal then hopefully we can move the Learning Tree there
Besides that, it's completely different bro because is Jericho is feuding with Mark Briscoe and the rest of the Conglomeration not OC and the rest of the Conglomeration
I do not want that man on my ROH TV.
..but it's a sacrifice I will make for the greater good of AEW's health.