Watch the smut Patrick Bateman listens to while working out in American psycho
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In order to get in and out of my shower I have to step on a carpet which has a bunch of kitty litter sand/rock pieces on it (it's right next to the kitty litter). Every time i go to the shower I have to place a towel on top of the carpet, because otherwise kitty litter rocks would get stuck to my feet
My favorite part of the shower is washing the litter off my feet
The weirdest thing I've done in a shower, is being inside it. You might ask why a cat would go into a shower, that's because everyone kept telling me to go take a shower, so I tried it. I don't get why you all keep taking showers.
Once, when I was really fluey and sleep deprived I went to do myself some lemsip only to find the kettle was on the blink. I shambled into the shower, turned it on, then sat in the shower with the cup on my lap and just emptied the sachet into the shower water I'd collected in my cup.
I wash myself with soap and water
63 comments and no "Your Mom" jokes?... smdh
drank a cuppa chocolate milk