Isnt that why usb charge only cables are a thing? :')
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Power banks. I'm a huge proponent of them because it solves this problem while also not keeping you stuck at an outlet somewhere.
You can charge the portable power bank at any USB port: computer, wall USB, airport, clock radio, airplane, vehicle, public kiosk, etc. Then it'll keep a charge for weeks and allow you to charge your devices anywhere. And because it doesn't have storage capability at all, you'll never be susceptible to this kind of attack...
Don't forget your USB condoms
Is there any evidence that this kind of attack has ever been used?
I'm pretty sure that the FBI issued the warning just intended on posting a cyber security best practice every day people could use. Then the media latched onto it as if it was an emergency announcement.
Cargo culting security in a way that decreases convenience makes people less likely to follow security advice that mitigates an actual threat. Spending good will credit on far-fetched threats is foolish.
Yes, but no.
It has been executed as a proof of concept, but security is part of my job and I haven't heard of it being used in a real world example... if it did, my boss would have sent out a company wide blast.
"CDC warns against using public flashlights"