The American people voted a traitor into power that actively works for a hostile foreign power to destroy their country. And yet they can themselves patriots. Pathetic.
Late Stage Capitalism
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That traitor is capitalism. And until people stop supporting that trader it will only further degrade
Well, I didn't vote for that bag of shit
Not enough people voted, period.
I love that Gladiator, the 2000 film, showed us Commodus a rich emperor who was insanely obsessed with getting everyone's attention and the US has Elon Musk showing everyone that he wants to be at least knows as the best digital gladiator of video games while we have Nero/Trump watching the city burn.
It is like we are working on The Decline of an Empire: Greatest Hits! double gate fold album for 2025.
From where I sit on Canada’s western end, I honestly expect America to never have a legitimate/meaningful election again.
As in, over the next 4 years the GOP will erode the election system such that it becomes equally as meaningful as elections in Russia or North Korea - theatre and a thin veneer of legitimacy, but nothing more. That the GOP will work things such that they will never “lose” another election, making America a permanent one-party state, no matter how many people would want them out of power.
The scary thing is, Canada risks much the same if “PeePee” (Pierre Poilievre, of the Canadian Conservative Party) gets elected. The man is a snake-oil salesman who is always eager to tell you what the problem is and who is to blame, but who almost never had any solution for the problem. Even his “axe the tax” shtick is a “solution” in desperate need of a problem to solve, will hurt working-class Canadians far more than it will help them, and is only meant to reduce taxation on the wealthy.
It was decided in 2010 with "citizens united"
It was decided in 2000 with "Bush v. Gore"
It was decided in 48BC with Ceaser vs Pompey
This is scary as they already win elections they should not because of lessons learned from the hanging chads. gerrymandering and voter disenfranchisement was always a thing but it was a bit more local and sporadic before then but after that it became part of national agenda.
go on. keep making your jokes and memes.
if you think the rich fuckheads are going to stop at America you're fooling yourself.
Oh I have no illusions they ever intend to stop. They'll take and take until the world is burning into ash.
like the parasites they truly are.
Well, hopefully you can avoid Poilievre. Otherwise, you might be joining us on the crazy train.
If Carney wins leadership of the Liberals, then wins the election, we should ok.
Still a big hill to climb tho.
It's not just the US, but they are the fastest on this path
“Here in Canada” get over yourself pal…
That being said - yes
The average life of an Empire is about 250 years. It's just about time.
I can't understand why there isn't a large group of people with marshmallows hanging out in DC. It's just. What does it take?
Normally hate political memes in this kind of tone and format. The bland "Occupy Democrats" type ones, you know. Can't really find fault in this one though.
Man, let me tell you about what's coming to Canada, you won't believe it!
Anything for profit.