this post was submitted on 22 Jan 2025
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The DC Studios co-CEO recently took to Bluesky to explain why The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker Season 1 are not considered canon even though events from both projects are referenced or followed up on in Creature Commandos, which is the first entry in the DCU. "Short answer: Only Creature Commandos forward is pure canon. For instance, Rick Flag Jr was killed because we heard Rick Flag Sr talking about it in Creature Commandos, not because we saw it in The Suicide Squad," Gunn wrote. "Long answer: Only CC forward is pure canon; Peacemaker is almost entirely consistent with that canon other than the Justice League; The Suicide Squad has a lot of consistencies but I think of it as an imperfect memory."

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[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I saw people complaining about this a bit in another thread but honestly, based on what I've seen and read, this is very on brand for a comic book reboot. So in a way, it means the DCU is already starting off comic book accurate.

It sounds complicated but really it's not. Basically the entire thing is reset but they still might pluck a few small details here and there. If they reference it, it happened. If they don't, it didn't.

We might get DCEU Blue Beetle in the DCU (which I really wouldn't mind) but that was a self contained story. But don't expect the same Aquaman or Wonder Woman, because their stories are all over the DCEU.