correct horse battery staple
Discuss the Paswordmanager Bitwarden.
How did you steal my password??
Witchcraft! Get them!
People gotta stop doing QkFEcEEkJFcwUkQ=
aQuickBrownFoxJumpedOverALazyDog$nuggle9 is far easier to remember and secure.
The article is from Bitwarden, which is a password manager - using them you don't need to remember individual passwords (or type them, normally).
Bitwarden does have an option to use passphrases, I just tried it and it gave me washtub-moocher-dominoes.
I use auto generated passphrases. It's mostly for the occasions where I need to give the password to someone, without logging into my bitwarden account, on the device. It's a lot easier, for comparable levels of security.
I'm more of a SphinxOfBlackQuartz,JudgeMyVow:3 kinda guy
I switched to using word phrases after having to type in these Qjdu37hYdu4sjdh&) |] >[vry monstrosities or communicate them to someone else one too many times.
if you have to ask, not enough. i once had a bank whose system didn't accept any password longer than 10 characters, and that was only after i called them up and asked why i couldn't log in