this post was submitted on 06 Feb 2025
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[–] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Interesting version of Brainiac. Seems to be a mashup of his original Silver Age history but twisted into something original. In the Silver Age he also came from Colu (at one point his origin was that he was created by the 'Computer Tyrants' of Colu, it's unclear if they are the creators of Brainiac's race in this origin story that we got though) and had a 'son' called Vril Dox / Brainiac 2, although this son was assigned to him by the Computer Tyrants in order to make him appear more like an organic lifeform than a robot.

In this version, it seems that Brainiac's original name was Vril and that he created his own son, Vril 2. I wonder if he also created his wife lol. Or if the Computer Tyrants were the ones running Colu and creating the robots.

I haven't actually read Silver Age Brainiac stuff, just going with info from Wikipedia.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago


Honestly that was a great joke to commit to. Brainiac's origin being a generic sitcom but robots.

I also, as you've pointed out, appreciate this shows commitment to generally correctly pull from existing stories. They could have just made it all up, but instead they just take one of the various origin stories and tweak it a bit with a bit of comedy.