My god. It looks like an enormous...
And Finally...
A place for odd or quirky world news stories.
Elsewhere in the Fediverse:
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- The Internet will resurface old "And finally..." material. Just mark it [VINTAGE]
Glad they're spittin facts here
The penis is 161 times larger than the average human’s
162 times for me.
Me too school, me too.
idk what to tell you, you can't see a 65 foot (whatever the fuck that means) penis from space without a very good zoom lens.
Great, isn't it?
Article about a German school, being posted on a medium dating after we went metric for everything except the silly things.
What unit do they use. Feet.
If it’s visible from space (with a good zoom lens), then it’s visible from the aircraft that provide imagery for mapping services.
Which means it’s possible there’s a 65 foot-long cock on the school roof on google maps, or whichever mapping provider is your preference. (switch to satellite view). Building 69.
Just had to be that building number, didn’t it!
65 foot is just shy of 20 meters.
I'm always suspicious of claims of visibility from space. A 65 foot object from space would be like looking at half of a pixel on a typical monitor from 2 feet away. If it were a black speck in a sea of white, then sure.
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit 🎶
Truth in advertizing, maybe? Could it be they only put on it whats in it?