
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 4 hours ago

Oh "the Army" is, is "the Army"?

Maaaan- Fuck "the Army".

[–] 14 points 22 hours ago

They also turned their heads slightly, thought about lunch, and took a sip of a beverage. They’re SO LAME bro.

No, that’s an absurd reduction of their fighting, which is the only official fighting we’ve got, because they lost the majorities, because a lot of people drank the koolaid and decided not to try and defeat trump for - reasons.

Still, if that’s upsetting, there’s always calling your republiQan Senator’s office and telling them what you want. It’s only a phone call. You can totally do it.

[–] 3 points 22 hours ago

They settled with Smartmatic, they are insufficiently subservient.

[–] 6 points 23 hours ago

Uh, except for the whole Iraq thing. Don't mention that to them, they get upset.

[–] 3 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

If they print it in the . . . what is that, the NYT? . . . it's true!

[–] 5 points 23 hours ago

Sadly, they'll gain only the earliest start on NextGen Evil, waste many earth-boiling watt hours doing it and pass the losses on to everyone else via streaming, taxes, whatever.

[–] 37 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

Sure, why not. Also he's two Andromedans in a skin suit and they just figured out they really, really, like ketamine.

[–] 1 points 23 hours ago

it's another world

[–] 11 points 23 hours ago

But they lost the manual on how to do thaaaaaat!

oh! Oh dear!

If they don’t get results immediately, next week they’ll go to DEFCON: Concerned

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by to c/

[not OC]


WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING is much more straightforward: A donor-advised fund granted money to DDTI for the express purpose of supporting center-right, pro-democracy organizations. Bill is on the board of DDTI.

It’s all pretty routine, unless you’re a ketamine-addled, terminally online, X-brained wackjob with a tenuous grasp on how the government you now run actually functions.

What’s really going on here is Elon thinks that by siccing an online mob on Bill, he can intimidate him—and all of us—into silence. Into just going away.

Hilarious. Because Bill Kristol was one of the fuckwit chickenhawk propagandists of the Iraq War II: Gee Dubbaloo. To get pelted by virtual rocks and garbage by even more arrogantly ridiculous rightwingers is kinda funny.


What in the name of the Illuminati is going on here? And why in the name of Alex Jones are you usually reliable nutters not freaking the heck out?

Joke's On Them (
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

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