Beep Beep ๐
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Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
Red chicken curry please, with bamboo and snow peas. How many decisions is that?
I'm rewatching Arrival after having watched Mickey 17 yesterday and going "what was that movie where they try to talk to the aliens". It's cracking me up that the top realdebrid result is from a torrent titled "41 best movies to watch when stoned (all High IMDB)"
I really couldn't remember so much from this movie though, so it's kind of nice watching it all over again. Can't believe it's 9 years old. I suppose in a few years the movie will finally be dated by the fact that they didn't use AI to analyse the aliens' language immediately
that's a great movie in so many ways, the science of it, the philosophy of it, the social impact and the personal decisions
and it's visually beautiful
As someone with an interest in linguistics and semantics I absolutely loved it - especially in a family full of men who only think maths and engineering matters
Suzette Haden Elginโs Native Tongue series would be right up your alley
Ooh thanks for the recommendation, it really does sound exactly like what I'd be interested in. Will hunt it down on libraries
Packing my reading books, I read a lot of autobiographies, I find them endlessly interesting.
so just a taste of what i buy/read, the dam busters ( husband loves this one too, he was a ballistics scientist ) , Storm over the land, The end of the beginning, we were the rats ( of tobruk )
why old books, i like to see where we came from so I can have some understanding of where we are now
4 boxes packed today so far, 6 to go
Today I am aiming at packing ten boxes and staying cool.
Fucked up last night and got boba with a friend. My body must be extremely sensitive to caffeine, or I just drank it too late because I couldn't sleep until 3am last night despite waking up at 7am yesterday. Was supposed to do some uni work and go down to the beach with the fam, but my head is pounding. Going to take it kind of easy and hopefully get my work done. Not going to let this ruin my day.
At last! A diet/nutrition article that talks about the 'burden of decision making' in the context of diet. One of my pet peeves is that this aspect isn't given enough weight.
"On any given day, humans make an estimated 300 decisions about food'.
hrmm that seems like a lot..
Good article though.
It's one of the things I like about meal prep. If I make a dozen chicken curries, a dozen chilli and a doz apricot chicken, that's a months worth of meals if I eat at least one every day. Pita salad protein wrap for another meal. Suddenly my food decisions are way down. Fruit and nuts for clean nibbles. Ice creams on a stick, two biscuits or PBnJ for dirty nibbles. Water or protein shake for drinks. That's most of the thinking taken out of it. Every few weeks I crave something I haven't made myself which is usually banh mi, hsp or pizza as that's what's good around here.
I always buy tomatoes, cucumbers, green leafies and a salad mix weekly then all I have to do is think up a protein to have with them for those days when I can't be bothered to think.
I know diets are really hard. I know will power is a big issue and that I'm not weak, I'm normal. If dieting was easy there wouldn't be an obesity epidemic.
This is why I love the shake meal replacement. I have no prohibitions to make opportunities for failure and to feel bad. All I have to do is eat way less of what I normally do and have a meal shake instead. I am doing something instead of not doing something.
And it is really easy. I don't have to cook anything special, just the same , just much less. ( and I cook pretty healthy anyway, I have always added 3 x the amount of vegies to a recipe and don't often use premade dishes)
I'm finding giving up bread really hard. I have reduced my intake but fresh Vienna from the bakery is holding me back. I will not lose sleep about it, instead allow my self to enjoy the occasional slice or two.
I have 3 slices max a day. It's easy and I like it. Occasionally have some raisin bread , which I know I shouldn't.
Which meal shake brand(s) are you liking?
I like the aldi one , am using the csiro one at the moment but not using milk as I really want to reduce my intake of dairy because intolerances
Contemplating having a drink tonight. Margaritas or Hard Solos. Hmm.
Margaritas. The salt will replace what you lose to sweat in the heat today. Plus hard solo is just expensive solo and vodka.
First up, I'm inside with the air con on. Still working hard but without the sweat.
Secondly, 30 pack of Solo + Smirnoff = Hard Solo or harder Solo if I choose to. Yeah pre-mixed Hard Solos are ok for travellers but I'm at home. And this is what I have chosen.
Why not both?!
Maybe. Let's just see where the night leads to.๐คทโโ๏ธ
Mix it all together for a righteous jungle juice
Let's see what the night brings.
Happy 2nd Saturday guys.
Last bougie breakfast for the hams today. Kibble w/ egg and basil topped with some parmesan lol. Actually ate the basil.
Probably the most polite dog I've met with food. Set it down in front of him and he just stands there for a minute looking at you wondering what the catch is.
Here he is wondering if there are seconds (hopefully vid works this time):
Ahh he's so damn glorious!!
aw, and he is so loved, so many dog toys , looked how beautifully he's looked after ๐ฅฐ๐ถ
after much fucking around i got some new accounts
i wonder if I use a different browser on reddit i can avoid the block, still blocked
Use Opera, turn the built in VPN on and use a temporary email service to make a new account. It takes a while and you may go through a few accounts on the way. Avoid the subreddits you might've been blocked from. Lookup the list of bots that handle the blocking and block those too. Eventually you can change the email to your usual and you won't need to use Opera to access it. I added a counter to my username and added one to each new account. I'm blocked by IP on r/Australia. I'm still avoiding it for lentish and missing it less and less.