Tuxedo, the French LDLC also sell computers under their own brand (edit: did LDLC stop selling their own? I can't find them anymore).
I think they both sources the same hardware from China, but don't quote me on that.
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Tuxedo, the French LDLC also sell computers under their own brand (edit: did LDLC stop selling their own? I can't find them anymore).
I think they both sources the same hardware from China, but don't quote me on that.
https://www.entroware.com/store/ I know very little about them other than they support Late Night Linux, which is a fun podcast. The LNL guys tend to run ads for actually useful products though, so... I have a first-run Framework. I love it although I wouldn't recommend it for the non-techie.
www.tuxedocomputers.com looks like a great alternative.
If you allow me just an opinion, both of those projects are still amazing projects even if not EU based, that defends free open source and right to repair, so do consider that when making a choice.
Just bought an Tuxedo InfinityBook. Very nice piece of hardware.
That’s a good point. I suppose it comes down to how black and white I want to be when it comes to leaving US tech. If I’m just leaving big tech I guess framework system are still good options