It is definitely a computer. Things just stop working for no obvious reason sometimes.
A place to post your Cybertruck fails! We're here to make fun of this hunk of shit and throw as much shade as we can to that garbage bag of a human elon.
No doxxing No slurs No racism And no fucking nazis!
Swastidumpster doesn't really flow. We need alternatives for the cyberclunk. Anyone got suggestions?
'Deplorean' is my personal fav followed by 'Wankpanzer'
Incel camino
IncEl Camino
Oh I like this one.
Sorry, I meant names that acknowledge Elon's nazi adoration, like swasticar.
I think SwastiCar works really well
Yeah, but that applies to the brand as a whole.
Heil Hauler
Or SS for short
"Let them drive cake" because the thing looks like a bad slice of cake and we all know where things are headed.
Bonus double-entendre that what they're driving is ass.
Put it in H!
It’s running low on crab juice.
RIP bozo (the car)
I mean the guy too, the first logo on his stupidly pretentious website on where he's been "featured" is fox news. Glad to see his car shut down on him straight off the lot
But they're not resting in peace. They seem angry.