How do you still find stuff to do after so much time? I’ve always wanted to have a long running survival world but I always end up running out of stuff to do
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When I run out of things to do or if a new worldgen-related update comes out, I'll fly out into new chunks and "start over" in a new area of the world. I pretty much always end up back at my spawn base after some time though. I've built a handful of smaller bases around the world this way. It's fun to explore and stumble upon things I built 5-10 years ago.
Sooo... When was the 1/1/2012 sign actually placed?
Probably sometime in 2013-2014 or so. I added a modified sign since I had the world on new years in 2012 but I didn't start adding signs until 2013.
I want to go back to the first months of 2020 when it was still deserving a heart
Congrats ;D
I've run a hardcore world for like two years but my hard drive failure killed it, talk about hardcore lol ):
You seems better in that department. Did you, and how many machines and drives you switched in this 10+ year journey? When you started, SSD weren't a big thing, and now they are the default lol.
Did you do mapping? Is there a map room or many of them? How advanced your redstone circuits at places you occupied for a time? What's your fav resource in food?
losing worlds it the worst.. I've lost some as well but thankfully not this one!
The world has traveled across ~4-5 different computers (and at least 2 countries). Currently I'm running it on a vanilla server on my local network so I can hop on with any of my machines and not worry about transferring the files.
I didn't start mapping until more recently so my maps are pretty underwhelming. Building a large map room is a project I haven't seriously considered before.. maybe I'll work on that next!
As for redstone, I have a decent number of automatons set up: some rail systems, plenty of original (and some copied) farm builds, some lighting and cosmetic things, potion crafting, etc..
As for food, I typically go for cooked pork chops because (1) have a ton of them already and (2) it fits the world theme well since they used to be the go-to when I started playing.
Love to see an old world!
I never was able to keep a world for long. I think the longest one was a hardcore world that I played for about 4 months.
I think the longest mc world i played was modded (Nomifactory GTCEu), was up to IV age before leaving that world, still have it but dont really feel like returning
I always wanted to do this but always end up losing my world save files! Or getting bored lol
"Sign sign, everywhere a sign"
That is very impressive.