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Thanks for the heads up. I tried looking up the origins of the term once long back when I first heard it but could never find it after a search. This again makes me iterate how Racist and White-centric the Internet is in general, which is observable to me as a person from Assam.
Another term people should avoid is the «soyboy» meme term. It is also a racially prejudiced word against Asians.
- https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/soy_boy, Soy consumption is high in many Asian countries. (There is no scientific evidence for any correlation between soy consumtion and feminization for anyone curious to know.)
Identifying and making fun of certain behaviors is not racist. It can be used in a racist context, but it's not racist in itself. Do you all believe that the majority of people saying "my rice" have racist intents?
I'm pretty sure it is actually from a certain food (can't remember which one) that only tastes good when lathered in rice
By this logic, saying words like "shit" are swear words is colonialist