
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5am5ep1ol@lemmy.film 1 points 1 year ago

Exactly. This shouldn’t give anyone any feelings besides, “wow, I need to organize workers in my field too.” Full stop.

These people are no different than the ones who were pissed that “burger flippers” were trying to make $15/hr minimum. Like…mind your own business—and by that I mean, right your business because you’re underpaid too.

[–] 5am5ep1ol@lemmy.film 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Of course. You start to be surrounded by hangers on, desperate to get in your good graces because we have a weird cult of celebrity and wealth.

Your entire world changes when people start to keep your surroundings favorable to your tastes and people only ever tell you “yes.” You start to believe that you are right all the time and your tastes are impeccable and your opinions fascinating. And then people like tucker Carlson will utilize that for his own ends, extending and utilizing that yes-man follower role to pervert your appearance or your fan base, to achieve something he’s always tried to achieve—but for his own desires (those desires that are, again, shaped by growing up überwealthy, being told you’re special and better since you’ve been old enough to fuckin speak.

Everyone is using everyone else. Some people just have way worse—and way larger—intentions.

[–] 5am5ep1ol@lemmy.film 13 points 1 year ago (1 children)

If you are in NYC, usually, from my understanding they are fronta for multi-family kinda squat houses. That’s why the curtains are so close to the front door and you almost never see anyone in there…actually, in all my time I’ve never seen anyone in one of those places. But they’re all set up the same. Pull back those curtains and it’s like a huge illegal house

[–] 5am5ep1ol@lemmy.film 5 points 1 year ago

I mean, I get where you’re coming from. But modern US does not spend our tax money justly or wisely. Infrastructure crumbling, social services abysmal, arts funding abysmal…we are constantly taking our great revenue and mishandling it while people across the country suffer. Our system works for the rich, while running on money from the poor. The entire system is broken, taxing the rich will not solve the problem.

[–] 5am5ep1ol@lemmy.film 8 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Yeah, but they’re not razor edges like X!