I believe pointing out the scummy practices by major game companies (i.e., EA, Nintendo, etc.) and how Capitalism allows and encourages such practices is probably a good start. Although we should also prepare for the inevitable pushback from the Right, which has long established itself in most gaming circles already.

[-] Arachno_Stalinist@lemmygrad.ml 12 points 2 weeks ago

"Political violence is bad actually"

Last words of the SPD before getting overrun by the Nazis, circa 1933 (they could've prevented this by allying with the KPD)

[-] Arachno_Stalinist@lemmygrad.ml 32 points 2 weeks ago

The West at this point is doing everything they claim the DPRK is doing.

[-] Arachno_Stalinist@lemmygrad.ml 9 points 2 weeks ago

Play with fire and you'll get burned, as the saying goes. The US seems to not understand that.

[-] Arachno_Stalinist@lemmygrad.ml 9 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

A conservative talking point that takes anti-Capitalist sentiment and twists it into Reactionary crap. (i.e., "The Wealthy Elites do stuff at the expense of everyone else worldwide" turns into "DURRR THE WOKE GLOBALISTS WANT TO ERASE STRAIGHT WHITE PEOPLE REEEE")

My guess is that it diverts attention away from the Bourgeoisie and instead turns it into Chauvinism (which the Bourgeoisie can more easily handle)

Also the "Globalist" rhetoric reactionaries like to use is loaded with antisemitic dogwhistles iirc

[-] Arachno_Stalinist@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 9 months ago

i hope a certified psychologist appers in here to explain better, my reading in the subject is quite low ans i don’t know how to walk the line to criticize modern midia without looking like reactionary talk.

I am not a psychologist, but Reactionaries only attack the technology itself and falsely claim that the progress of technology by itself is the problem, failing to (or even refusing to) realize Capitalism is to blame for the problems associated with technology. The real problem is how Capitalism affects the current technology; Capitalists seek profit over everything else, so they will use technology to do exactly that.

Technology has so much potential to bring a better future, but it is held back and used inappropriately under Capitalism.

[-] Arachno_Stalinist@lemmygrad.ml 17 points 9 months ago

I also didn't need applying to join. (I joined roughly a year and a half ago when the GZD sub was promoting it)

IIRC the approval requirements were implemented because of the mass brigades that happened here some time ago.

[-] Arachno_Stalinist@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I keep a very tight hold on what views are shared there, selectively discarding anything that goes too conservative. These tubers are not incels or MGTOW, but closer to a mix of redpill/blackpill, mostly hovering around centre or centre-right

Even if you try your best to keep yourself from having views which you consider too far right, as the political overton window shifts more to the right, what ideas do you truly consider to be "centrist" or "centre-right" and not just right wing (if not far right) ideas which have recently become acceptable in mainstream/liberal media?

Also, usage of the terms "redpill" and "blackpill" in these contexts was popularized by the MGTOW (and Anti-SJW) movement. (I was once part of those circles back in 2014 even if I was still very young back then. Once you're in there, it's not very easy to get out; You need a lot of self-reflection to truly escape it. In fact, while my old views were largely toned down over the years by a supportive community back when I was in Junior High School, it took an entire pandemic to get me to reflect and escape, and I was still at risk of returning to some more dangerous views before I finally got into Marxism.)

Self-reflection is not an easy thing, and hopefully it shouldn't be too late for you.

Historical arms & armor Youtubers such as Skallagrim, Metatron, etc.

Tons of information regarding historical weapons & armor (with the occasional spotlight for more obscure types of stuff) but generally attracts a pretty reactionary community. (My guess as to why this kind of stuff attract reactionaries is probably because most of them tend to fetishize traditions & ye olde days rather than critically analyze them out of genuine interest. For instance, the Middle Ages are particularly interesting to me (especially the combat related stuff) but I sure as hell wouldn't want to live in those times.)


joined 2 years ago