You might need to switch to a smaller instance.
This is just a forkbomb that will overload your system.
Now, I know. Does that work with older android versions too? I had trouble using adb to uninstall/disable system apps on a samsung phone running android 9. That's why I recommended rooting.
Well, I just heard this for the first time. Could have saved me a lot of time and trouble.
The first thing you need is root access. Then you can uninstall all google apps (including system apps).
If you want a kali-based live environment, you can follow this tutorial: You can configure a lot of options and most of the building process is just downloading packages.
Once you activate it, you have to pay taxes and obey the law.
... and when you tweet or x (or whatever it's called now) sh*t about elon your car drives away
You aren't allowed to drown here. Fine 200$
totally a security measurement
RAM can be bougt used on ebay. I recommend buying SATA drives instead of SAS drives if the system supports them. They are a lot cheaper.