
joined 4 days ago
[–] 2 points 2 days ago

If 1,200 Israelis was supposedly a "Pogrom" and a prelude to a "Second Holocaust," then what Israel is doing is certainly far worse than that.

According to the UN, the "official" (as in, people who died from direct bombings) is now at 45,000.

This doesn't include missing people or the people who died because of disease:


For over ten years, the U.S. aimed to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, supporting opposition forces.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

We have to understand that in many ways, the media functions as much to distract and deflect as much as it does to inform.

Politicians see battles not only conducted on battlefield with bullets, but in newsrooms with information and soundbytes.

The reason we are hearing so much about Assad now, as oppose to just a few months ago is that they are setting the scene to make Israel look like liberators. Even if Assad was a tyrant, we can't deny the fact that the instability does ultimately play to Israel's advantage.