
joined 1 year ago
[–] 35 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I feel like even calling this a ring is an insult to actual jewelry

[–] 89 points 4 days ago (11 children)

Good news! This ring also comes in fuchsia pink with piss yellow sapphires:

[–] 11 points 2 months ago

I have torx all over my mountain bike that gets caked in dirt, a little bit of water and a pick gets them usable in seconds. I could argue that hex is superior to square but they're both worse than torx so who really cares.

[–] 21 points 2 months ago

Sir this is a picture of a toyota tacoma and a ford f250

[–] 31 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Snakes don't suffocate prey by stopping their breathing, they stop the blood flow to the brain. A retic can kill a person without even trying, that much muscle around your neck might leave you a few seconds before you're unconscious.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Your correct that thickness plays a role in theremal transfer, but the paste and amount you use is not what determines that gap. Both laptop and desktop heatsinks are under quite a bit of pressure, more than enough to squish out extra paste. If you want to be extra sure you can spread a thin layer across the entire chip, but a dot or two usually works just fine. This video is on desktop coolers but mounting pressure should be similar.

If your laptop is over a couple years old I can almost guarantee there are dry spots on the chip currently. Laptops already run pretty hot and it's a double whammy for drying and pump out.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)

I don't know of any modern paste that is electrically conductive, heck I basically use old thermal paste as an extra layer of protection on my gpu with liquid metal. You can be sloppy and contrary to the old belief, you can't use too much.
The bigger thing to watch out for is dried paste that essentially turns into adhesive. You can break a contact applying too much force, though with a heat gun (or hair dryer) and some patience it should be easy to avoid.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (4 children)

No problem, although I was definitely thinking of desktops and not a laptop. Some of the 'quiet' fan curves can be very underpowered and are detrimental to performance.

If it's not under warranty and you're comfortable opening it up, replacing the thermal pads and paste will do wonders for your temps though. Even if it's fairly new, a lot of laptop OEMs just have terrible paste applications.

[–] 5 points 3 months ago (6 children)

Well, if you're looking at Tdie/edge temps it's pretty unavoidable to see 80-90c on modern cards, at least if they're air cooled. I think amd has a 20-30c delta between Tdie and average 'gpu' temp, nvidia is around 20c? Either way, even with a perfect paste application you can set your target temp to 70c and still get some nasty looking temp spikes.
Thermal protection is way faster than software can report, unless you're overclocking it's really not something to worry about imo.

[–] 80 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

Good lord, reading some of the comments on this article made me lose braincells. Musk sure is owning the marxist libs with these fucking leaky refrigerators on wheels.

Idk, something just irks the hell out of me when people are like "50% battery is actually good bro, it's the perfect storage level for lithium bro". It's not in storage anymore, it's being delivered.

ICE cars are shipped with a quarter tank or less, but they are never delivered without close to a full tank. The fact that the Tesla dealer didn't spend the $1 of electricity or the half hour washing it down is just plain rude. And yet, people are still defending this shit as if being abused by big daddy musk is their life's greatest goal. Absolutely mind boggling.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago

I mean, I'll take the stupid XTX crap over whatever the hell Nvidia is doing with Ti super bullshit

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

but almost the entire automotive industry engaging in similar tactics, but that was not nearly as widely reported.

This is straight up false. Yes most, if not all diesel engines were found to be out of regulation especially at idle. It's a bad regulation and needs to updated, but of course lobbists have put a stop to that.

The major difference was that VW group was using arrestor devices to skirt the testing even on the highway. It's why they paid the heftiest fine over all the other manufacturers. It was very purposeful, not saying the others are saints but there is a difference between neglecting to adhear and intentional deceit.

they were very hard to find and most peoples orders had not yet been delivered. It definitely hindered sales and was totally blown out of proportion.

Do you think that maybe, possibly, that it could be a variety of factors that led to id4 orders being cancelled? And also, if it was a commercial failure I can almost guarantee the model would have been killed off rather than being updated into a 4th year. Not being able to test drive a car I'm spending a significant chunk of cash on is a way bigger turn off than a YT video and some stupid articles.

Like seriously, if you didn't have the luxury of a very nice VW dealership, would you still have ended up with an id4? How do rekon availability and crappy dealerships didn't play a bigger role than Doug? Idk what to fucking tell you bro, people don't treat reviews as gospel, and if they do then they are most likely children and/or completely unable to afford the thing being reviewed.

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