[-] CeeBee@lemmy.world 74 points 6 days ago

in most 1st world countries

The US isn't a 1st world country. It just cosplays as one.

submitted 3 months ago by CeeBee@lemmy.world to c/canada@lemmy.ca

Just a warning to anyone interested in the coming eclipse. Avoid the glasses sold at Canadian Tire. I just bought two pairs of eclipse glasses at Canadian Tire. I decided to test them right after I got outside and immediately noticed an issue. Both glasses have a hazy appearance around the sun.

With proper eclipse glasses the sun should appear crisp and not too bright. You should be able to distinctly see the edge of the sun and even see detail on the surface. There should be no haze of any kind. If you see any kind of haze, immediately take off the glasses and throw them out.

I knew the glasses from Canadian Tire were suspect because they had "NASA APPROVED" on the sides, which is why I bought them. I wanted to test them.

There is no such thing as "NASA APPROVED". NASA doesn't approve or certify anything. If you see that, it's a massive red flag.

One very good trusted source for where to buy eclipse glasses is the American Astronomical Society which has a list of trusted vendors. I myself bought a bulk quantity from solareyewear.ca and have tested the glasses to be working properly.


Unfortunately, there will be a massive amount of scams going around with eclipse glasses and shady people trying to make a quick buck. Don't risk it and make sure your glasses will protect your eyes.

If someone tries to convince you that their glasses are genuine because they have ISO-12312-2 printed on them, it doesn't matter. I could print that on a pair of toilet paper rolls taped together, but that doesn't mean it'll protect your eyes.

Here are some resources to check out:



[-] CeeBee@lemmy.world 76 points 3 months ago

Ya, reading the GitHub issue sounds entirely like burnt out devs being abused by users. It's a massive issue in open source.

The Late Night Linux and Linux Dev Time podcasts talked about exactly this in a recent episode. It can be extremely demoralizing to do all this work for free for a project only to be inundated by ungrateful people demanding you fix something or implement a feature they want. Many open source projects have died because of that.

[-] CeeBee@lemmy.world 115 points 3 months ago

The lawsuit against Yuzu is going to have the exact opposite effect they hope.

All it's doing is increasing public awareness of the project, and because it's open source it will just sprout more heads like a hydra, and it will live on forever.

[-] CeeBee@lemmy.world 61 points 5 months ago

Can someone explain how a US state can legally/physically block access to anything from a US federal law enforcement agency?

I genuinely don't understand what's going on here.

[-] CeeBee@lemmy.world 55 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

But "AI" is the umbrella term for all of them. What you said is the equivalent of saying:

we really need to stop calling things "vehicles". There's cars, trucks, airplanes, submarines, and space shuttles and they've all been called vehicles, but functionally they have almost nothing to do with each other

All of the things you've mentioned are correctly referred to as AI, and since most people do not understand the nuances of neural networks vs hard coded algorithms (and anything in-between), AI is an acceptable term for something that demonstrates results that comes about from a computer "thinking" and making ~~shaved~~ intelligent decisions.

Btw, just about every image recognition system out there is a neural network itself or has a neural network in the processing chain.

Edit: fixed an autocorrect typo

[-] CeeBee@lemmy.world 64 points 6 months ago

Nonsense. They want all the data to themselves and want a subscription to sell.

[-] CeeBee@lemmy.world 64 points 7 months ago

This exact same thing happens when trying to cancel a subscription. Magellan TV wouldn't let me continue to cancel my subscription until I selected a reason for the cancellation.

So I exited the process and contacted support with the message "your website will not let me cancel without providing a reason".

They replied with "you can just select a reason and then it will allow you to continue"

To which I said "and where's the option to cancel without you holding my account hostage until I do what you demand of me?"

They replied with confirmation that they've cancelled my subscription for me.

It seems petty, but no company should be allowed to forcibly extract additional info out of you when you want to cancel. They can ask all they like, but never force.

[-] CeeBee@lemmy.world 51 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

What about the group that's aware that Palestinians were forced out of their homes and have been forced to live in impoverished conditions for decades?

What about the group that recognizes the actions of both sides as being wrong and that neither side is "right"?

[-] CeeBee@lemmy.world 137 points 8 months ago

This case shows they’re doing precisely the opposite,” said Roth, who said the abuses Caswell endured were tantamount to “torture”.

No, it was full-blown torture. There's no room for interpretation here.

Women across the country have increasingly been jailed for pregnancy outcomes, including miscarriages and stillbirths.

Geez. I don't even know what to say. Miscarriages are way more common than people realize. In fact, it's possible that miscarriages out number full-term pregnancies. There are so many NORMAL biological factors that could trigger a miscarriage.

It's an incredibly complex and nuanced field of biology, and this simplistic mindset of "miscarriage means bad woman" is both disturbing and alarming.

[-] CeeBee@lemmy.world 59 points 8 months ago

People with dexterity and hand control challenges have a difficult time with these skinny scroll bars.

I have neither dexterity nor hand control challenges and I still find it incredibly hard to grab those skinny scroll bars.

One additional design "feature" I really despise is auto hiding scroll bars. So then to visually see when I am I have to scroll up and down to bring it back.

And web designers that do that stupid scroll hijacking where scrolling "stops" and then things move around for a bit should be launched into the sun. It's the most anti-UX design I've ever seen. It's literally the same as temporarily causing your mouse cursor to move in the opposite direction of input and then calling it a "design feature".

Imagine if each application on your computer arbitrarily changed up the direction your mouse cursor moves. It's literally the same thing. Computer input should be 100% predictable and reliable. The instant you do that it makes the computer/program/website feel sluggish and inoperative.

submitted 9 months ago by CeeBee@lemmy.world to c/science@lemmy.world

I find it hard to believe that Popular Science would make such a mistake, but the author has reinforced the mistake by starting the article with "The dark side of the moon, despite its name, is a perfect vantage point for observing the universe."

But all the quotes from scientists correctly say "far side of the moon".

I know this isn't really "science news" but I couldn't find any other community to share this.

[-] CeeBee@lemmy.world 116 points 9 months ago

Here's a bit of good news. The idea that frogs just wait to get boiled is proven false. Every animal has a limit to what they will tolerate due to self preservation. The from will jump out when it gets too hot.

That being said, I just recently watched Idiocracy... I'm a bit worried.

submitted 9 months ago by CeeBee@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

So this isn't meant to be a post bashing the devs/owner of OpenSubtitles. This is meant simply as awareness.

A few months ago I signed up for the VIP tier at OST ($5/mo for 1000 downloads a day) for a bit to populate my catalogue of videos with subtitles as my father uses my Jellyfin server and he's lost a lot of his hearing. I also wanted to support the development a bit. At first the service seemed to be downloading a bit, but then it stopped. I waited a few days and it would download at most one or two a day (despite a few thousand videos not having any subtitles). I look around online and found that OST had changed their API and the Jellyfin plugin still needed to catch-up with a newer release. No big deal, so I just waited.

Then the update released which specifically stated that the changes to the API calls were made. I waited a few days, nothing. I uninstalled the OST plugin and reinstalled, still nothing.

So I figured something was wrong either on my end or the server-side, but I didn't want to bother getting into it. I've been planning to rebuild my Jellyfin server with newer hardware with HW acceleration for decoding and encoding. I sent an email to OST support explaining what I've been seeing and asked if I could get a refund.

The person who responded asked for logs so that they could help troubleshoot. So I obliged.

Email response from OpenSubtitles support confirming there was an issue

They said it wasn't much help and to get even more logs. Which I provided again.

Screenshot of user CeeBee providing logs via email to OpenSubtitles support

I even removed over 14 thousand "[query]" lines to make the logs more readable. They said there wasn't anything there that was useful, and asked me to try again. I indicated that Jellyfin has a scheduled job that checks for missing subtitles and pulls as needed once a day. But I said that at this point I'm just looking for the refund.

A while passes by but then I get a notification that the subscription is going to be renewed again, so I cancelled before that happened and reached out again about the refund. At this point it was more about the principle of the matter as I originally just asked for a refund and that got side-stepped into a support request.

Then I got this as a response:

Email response from OpenSubtitles support being aggressive and accusatory

Which resulted in this:

Email response from OpenSubtitles support saying "I'm tired of you" and deleted my account

I waited over two weeks to write this post. I wanted to wait and see if somebody replied back to me with even just an apology or something. If they had originally told me that doing refunds is hassle for them I would have let it go. But telling me off and then deleting my account is just... special. I was astonished at the response and cannot fathom that being the response from any company taking payments for a service.

And I'm not holding a grudge of any kind and I get it, I used to do IT support and some days can be tough dealing with annoying emails. But in my defence all I asked for was a refund because something wasn't working. In any case, I just wanted to bring this to the attention of the Self-hosting community so that others can make more informed decisions. To be clear, I'm not advocating anyone to pull support. In face I think they should have more support as it's an invaluable service. Despite the treatment I still plan on getting the VIP subscription again at some point after I rebuild my Jellyfin server. But I also don't think that customers should be treated like this.

submitted 10 months ago by CeeBee@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.world

I have two systems right next to each other. One of them doesn't have a monitor attached and it's not simple to do so. They are both on the same 1Gbps LAN.

I'm currently using FreeRDP/xRDP to remote into the other system, but the latency is just terrible. I'm able to deal with it, but in some circumstances (like if dynamic ads or videos autoplay on websites) the latency just skyrockets to a a frame very few seconds. The remote system is Kubuntu 20.04 using X.org and not Wayland. I have just about every window decoration turned off or down. And just about every setting I can find to increase performance. The connection settings are the best they can be (I've looked through so many guides and posts about increasing performance), and they have helped a bit, but it's still far from ideal.

I've even tried VNC and AnyDesk and they're both just as bad, which is odd because I've connected to my brother's system in another part of the country on many occasions, and even when he loads up a Youtube video the connection and latency is buttery smooth.

Does anyone here have any recommendations or suggestions on what I can use or do to improve the connection quality?

[-] CeeBee@lemmy.world 57 points 10 months ago

it's weird watching like four people who are definitely more tech savvy than me just bumble fuck their way through all this server stuff with enterprise level gear.

As someone who is very technically savvy, let me assure you that these guys are clowns. They are tech entertainers, not experts. Give yourself some credit.

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