[-] Creat@discuss.tchncs.de 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

That may well be the case that this is what he means, but how would we know when he calls it tilt shift anyway? Cause that's not what "tilt shift" means.

If he wants to say it's photoshopped or whatever, just say that instead of using terms that clearly don't apply.

[-] Creat@discuss.tchncs.de 16 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

There is no tilt shifting in that photo. Neither physical (by actually tilting a single lens inside the lens assembly) nor digital. What you're seeing as blurryness is just normal how camera focus works.

They may have applied a slight vignette blur to the edges, but it's really hard to tell with the light bleed on the left edge.

[-] Creat@discuss.tchncs.de 5 points 4 days ago

But that's my point. They didn't change. In decades. Did your even read the OP?

[-] Creat@discuss.tchncs.de 16 points 4 days ago

What else do you want from that email? You got a new subscriber. There's their name. Why change the layout just for the sake of change? Surely there are people having rules or automations tied to them, why brake them? Just for funsies?

[-] Creat@discuss.tchncs.de 10 points 5 days ago

Another name, depending on the exact context, is "hairpin NAT". Should make googling with the specific router OP has easier.

[-] Creat@discuss.tchncs.de 41 points 1 month ago

This also makes it easy to block Win 10 from upgrading to 11, just disable tpm in BIOS. From where I'm sitting, that's kinda convenient.

[-] Creat@discuss.tchncs.de 62 points 2 months ago

The core lesson should be "stop adding useless launchers" and even more so "stop making launchers the only way to change graphics settings". I'm glad the steam deck has rules in place that prevent games with a forced launcher to receive a "verified".

That's what I'm taking away from this anyway.

[-] Creat@discuss.tchncs.de 32 points 2 months ago

Much simpler and more direct than the other suggestions: LocalSend.

Also fully open source, local only, cross platform. Only works in the same network, obviously. That's the point.

[-] Creat@discuss.tchncs.de 32 points 3 months ago

What low voltage though? Unless it's 5V like USB (non-PD and non-QC), they should and need to be incompatible.

[-] Creat@discuss.tchncs.de 55 points 3 months ago

Literally never heard of it, which is probably the reason and kinda makes it a good call?

[-] Creat@discuss.tchncs.de 123 points 4 months ago

For those that really don't know: Star Trek TNG, episode "the inner light", S5E25.

[-] Creat@discuss.tchncs.de 31 points 11 months ago

I have multiple dozens of headphones that have a normal headphone plug.

I can charge my phone while I listen to headphones without carrying multiple adapters.

We can maybe talk once we get more than 1 USB c connector on a phone. Maybe.

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