[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 10 points 2 days ago

Maybe this will stop Congress from abdicating their duty to the Executive Banch and start passing updates to laws. The way we had it was that every change of president allowed more cronyism to change the rules.

Doesn't anyone remember that Trump gutted the EPA and made them change how they worked scientifically? How the DOE decided that Coal and Gas production was the future during Trump? Did everyone forget that Trump allowed the Department of the Interior to sell gas lease for the Arctic Wildlife Preserve.

All those changes used a Chevron defense.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago

Am I the only one who remembers that Biden said he would only serve 1 term because the DNC pulled out more trickery to keep Brnie from winning?

They made sure to keep every other candidate up until super Tuesday and then all the other candidates pledged their votes to Biden. Warren made sure to stay in to keep those people who voted for her from voting for the only other progressive.

Harris had the worst showing of the last primary, so why should she be considered a frontrunner. The Democrats are running the same plan they did in 2016 and 2020, but we aren't Trump is a terrible position. U admit that he's a better choice than Trump, because any half-dead moderate Democrat is right-wing enough to be slightly better than Trump.

The DNC is too invested in their Corporate Pragmatism to realize that the only Corporate Elites backing Biden are doing it so that they have a modicum of morality. They don't mind Trump because Trump will give them everything.

The DNC spent too long slowing down the major Trump prosecutions so that they would happen this year instead of last year to help with the election which has backfired. They didn't have anyone to stand out in the last 4 years, just hoped and prayed that Biden would last.

We have 2 people who aren't fit for office to choose from. 1 is a degenerate compulsive liar and grifter, while the other has lost which century we belong too and keeps having senior moments. One will give us Project 2025 and try to declare himself president for life, while the other will not help the regular people because nobody in the Administration understands that Stock values are not a good economic metric for those who can't afford to invest because food, rent, Healthcare, and gas is too expensive for jobs that haven't had a major pay increase in a decade.

Yes I'll vote Biden, but we shouldn't be forced into this.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 19 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I had just finished my range day and I had my guns stripped for cleaning when my step daughter dropped of my son for his weekend visit with her boyfriend.

I wasn't trying to flex or anything, but I did find it funny. Luckily she married a different guy after college.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 46 points 1 week ago

It's really all about having a way to get past encryption so they can spy on everyone indiscriminately. It's pushed that it's to save kids and unmask pedos, but the people in charge know the pedophiles are their rich donors.

It's about controlling opposition and making sure the wealthy can stay on top. Imagine if no small business can hide their information from their competitors.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 57 points 1 month ago

As much as I want "Jarvis" OS system, I really don't want the version made by Microsoft, Google, or, Apple.

I want to be able to talk with my AI PC, but I want secure AI that's just for me and won't steal all my data for any Corporations to browse.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 55 points 1 month ago

I find it sad that some lawyer sold them on this suit, while also settling with the police department for peanuts.

The police caused all of the extra pain here, and no studies have ever shown a link to violence from video games.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 46 points 2 months ago

They just want private Corporate Gestapo. Which is totally better than Government run Gestapo. Private "Corporations" always make the right choices.


[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 49 points 3 months ago

I really wish it was this easy to get the meds I actually need. I've been dealing with Chronic Pain for over 20 years now and still can't get enough meds to function as a normal person.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 70 points 5 months ago

Do they understand that the President isn't a King?

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 86 points 7 months ago

"Happy Wife, Happy Life"

Some women will never be happy with you because you weren't her first pick, just what she settled for.

You can't make someone happy, who is unwilling to try making themselves happy. Relationships have to be equal partnerships.

Life is so much better living alone with my dog the last 10 years.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 61 points 9 months ago

Han was a graduate of the Imperial Military Academy before being discharged for saving Chewbacca from slavery.

He was awarded the Corellian Bloodstripes during that period of time.

Unless the new Canon retconned all of that away.

[-] Crismus@lemmy.world 41 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

TL/DR: I tested out of almost 3 years of High School classes in a week to graduate. The next year the canceled the program to test out of subjects you knew.

I went to an alternative style high school and spent my sophomore and junior years doing no real work. I spent most of my time managing the business computer lab and doing special projects with the Physics and Chemistry teacher.

A lot of learning IT was what I learned by doing in those computer labs. I even was part of a group that created a PowerPoint Presentation with manual animation to help secure some funding for the school.

I also showed them their flaws in the grading system when I hacked into their electronic database system showing how easily it was trying to help my friend out when he was accused of changing his grades. Because of that, they banned me from using any computer unsupervised and moved everything in the labs back to Windows 3.1, after I had moved everything to Windows 95.

The problem was that all testing was done on their computer systems, and I was effectively banned from being able to finish the 2+ years I was missing. I ended up dropping out to work tech support at a local dial-up ISP that was at a computer store. When that fell through, because I was unprepared to manage the entire tech support group at 17 I signed up to join the Army.

The Army needed me to have a High School diploma, so I needed to go back to the school with only a month

I found out that they allowed you to test out of each module if you believed you knew the subject. If you passed the final exams, you got to have that grade in the .125 credit module. 8 tests per semester class. If you failed the test, you had to redo all the actual work.

I ended up doing 8 hours a day of supervised testing, since I was still banned from touching a computer without a teacher watching. It took about a week to take every test for 3 years of High School so I could graduate. I missed graduation because I shipped out once I secured the paperwork saying I was going to graduate.

The next school year they didn't allow people to test out of classes. You were required to do all of the homework before taking the exams.

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