
joined 1 year ago

I like Dungeon World, but there are some things I don't like. I don't like the damage dice especially. It makes it more like D&D than I want to be.

I have seen mention of some variants, and I checked out the free version of Chasing Adventure which seemed more like what I was looking for.

What are the other Variants people have played, and what are they like?


I am curious what house rules people play with when the game. This is mostly aimed at the 5E crowd but I am still curious what changes people think are so necessary there are House rules added for them.

In 5E we always played with Drinking a Potion was a bonus action if you had it 'on your belt'. Meaning everyone would have one potion they picked to be in a 'ready' state.

In 13th Age we allow a Potion to be drunk as a Quick Action if the player makes an Easy Save, on a fail they have to roll the save again on their next Quick Action.

In 5E we basically ignored Encumbrance and just made a judgement call is something was 'too much'. (13th Age already does this in the rules)