
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Oh no don't get me wrong, a year back I upgraded to an I5-7500 prebuilt, and it's a beast for all my tasks. (maybe compiling is quick because I split modules a little too much?)

Your advice is good for not knowing what I'm making. If I was making something multi threaded with much state I would fear UB more.

may be much rarer in Debug because of speed difference

Thanks, then I will remember to recreate bugs with opt-level = 3.

Wait no, this doesn't make sense if I don't have access to the user's machine, maybe I should send him a log-heavy version of some sort? How should I even what I am supposed to log? I should think about this some more before release.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Do you have any sources about this “unfitness” of Rust for gamedev? From my experience many people have problems with the borrow checker due to habits they obtained coding in other languages.

I can't say anything for sure, but I read this article, in conjunction with this article, before I made this post, so you might consider looking at it, and how it influenced me.

Edit: wait, I'll extend this reply even more.

Edit 2: Done:

So I’d be interested what special behavior occurs in gamedev that makes coding in Rust more difficult than for other software.

Maybe it's because the gaming industry is historically among the slowest industries, they stuck with DOS until there was literally no drivers on it for the latest GPUs, only then did they upgrade. There's a video explaining how a recent AAA game could run on the steam deck, but not on Linux, it turns out the game was using a Windows XP library that's too old for wine to support, so how did it work on the deck? they effectively added this to their code:

if platform_name == "steamdeck" { use_modern_library() }

, which explains why it only ran on the deck, but notice how they still stuck to the ~2003 library as the default even though the modern one works, that's how much they hate change.

Considering the above, suggesting they change the particular way of their forefathers wouldn't be fruitful, unless extremely obvious B I G gains are to be found. Notice how Jonathan Blow's game development language is literally 'C++ but better', and how it mimics C++ in everything but the universally hated parts, and adds none but the universally wanted features. (as universal as an industry can agree on anything, that is)

That may be because games are a dangerous business, you pool all your resources in one project, and you get basically no income for up to four years, then you release and possibly succeed.

I also speculate that games aren't really maintained, most of the best games I know only received 3 patches at most (version 1.3). I think the priority isn't: "How am I gonna remember how this works in 3 months from now and deal with technical dept", it's more like: "How can I implement this in a way that the only thing faster than the implementation time is the feature itself?", so there is no fear of possibly breaking something that the checker can save you from down the road.

The last sentence kinda doesn't make sense since the first 3 years are more that enough technical dept for Rust to start doing its thing, but IDK how they think.

Bonus: look for Jonathan Blow's opinions on Rust on Youtube, he is an example of a studio owner fearing the risk of the possible "friction" that the Borrow checker could possibly cause.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Hello Pers,

I made a mistake when writing the post, it reads like I am against the borrow checker, which I am not, I love the checker, and didn't encounter any - major - problems with it.

I meant that even if we used unsafe everywhere it would still be a good language, which is an attempt at arguing with those saying that Rust isn't fit for gamedev because the of the checker. Which I failed at due to lack of experience, as this is my first time making a game, and Rust is my first language*.

Regarding: "If it doesn't panic in Debug, it won't act weird on Release", even if I got reported a really weird bug related to UB, I should (I am not experienced enough to make a claim) be able to know it's UB since the game's gonna crash when I try to recreate the bug in Debug.

Some would say that shipping the game with runtime checks won't have an effect on performance, which is probably true, since it's so simple the list of entities is an array (not a vector), and the game state is - effectively - global (everything is impl CombatContext { fn x(&mut self) {} })**, and some (most? too early in development to tell) of the game is locked at 5fps (maybe I'll bump it up a bit)***.

I am so concerned about performance because I had to daily drive a computer that most people on this website - and especially on Reddit - would consider garbage E-waste, for 4 years, and was trying hard to play games on it, which was further amplified by my GPU not supporting Vulkan (nor Dx9 for some time), which meant I couldn't use Proton, which taught me some hacks that are... let's not talk about them.

So I find huge pain in leaving any possible performance optimizations, especially that some people I know are stuck on - arguably - worse machines****; accessibility is a big priority.

It also makes me angry to see pixel games come with 70Mib binaries and require Vulkan because:

1 - internet costs money

2 - they claim in the system requirements that their game "Should run on anything".

Memes like: "Oh my game could run on a potato" infuriate me (good thing I don't use social media), NO, your game can't run a potato, DooM can, it was actually optimized properly, your 2D pixels can't even render on a machine a 100x more powerful, you should feel ashamed*(5).

*: I was messing around with C# + Godot not super long ago, nothing serious.

**: I have been refactoring my code lately to limit the scope of most functions, in a way inspired by ECSs, but significantly more primitive.

***: the game has both a 3D and a 2D part, the 2D part has locked FPS, the 3D part can run at any framerate.

****: Macroquad supporting OpenGL only down to 2.0ES would be a problem, if I wasn't intending on forking it anyway to reduce the binary size (grim is an extremely bloated dependency, I managed to shove off 10 Mib in a few hours), and unless using 1.x is as hard people on the internet claim it is, which is probably false, as these people are mostly weak and say the same things about using a custom engine.

*(5): this might sound toxic, but that's how people get better.


Another crazy idea I share with this website.

I was developing a game and an engine in Rust, so I was reading many articles, most of which criticize the 'borrow checker'.

I know that Rust is a big agenda language, and the extreme 'borrow checker' shows that, but if it weren't for the checker, Rust would be a straight-up better C++ for Game development, so I thought: "Why not just use unsafe?", but the truth is: unsafe is not ergonomic, and so is Refcell<T> so after thinking for a bit, I came up with this pattern:

let mut enemies = if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
    // We use `expect()` in debug mode as a layer of safety in order
    // to detect any possibility of undefined bahavior.
    } else {
    // SAFETY: The `if` statement (if self.body.overlaps...) must
    // run only once, and it is the only thing that can make
    // `self.enemies == None`.
    unsafe { enemies.unwrap_unchecked() }

You can also use the same pattern to create a RefCell<T> clone that only does its checks in 'debug' mode, but I didn't test that; it's too much of an investment until I get feedback for the idea.

This has several benefits:

1 - No performance drawbacks, the compiler optimizes away the if statement if opt-level is 1 or more. (source: Compiler Explorer)

2 - It's as safe as expect() for all practical use cases, since you'll run the game in debug mode 1000s of times, and you'll know it doesn't produce Undefined Behavior If it doesn't crash.

You can also wrap it in a "safe" API for convenience:

// The 'U' stands for 'unsafe'.
pub trait UnwrapUExt {
    type Target;

    fn unwrap_u(self) -> Self::Target;

impl<T> UnwrapUExt for Option<T> {
    type Target = T;

    fn unwrap_u(self) -> Self::Target {
        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
        } else {
            unsafe { self.unwrap_unchecked() }

I imagine you can do many cool things with these probably-safe APIs, an example of which is macroquad's possibly unsound usage of get_context() to acquire a static mut variable.

Game development is a risky business, and while borrow-checking by default is nice, just like immutability-by-default, we shouldn't feel bad about disabling it, as forcing it upon ourselves is like forcing immutability, just like Haskell does, and while it has 100% side-effect safety, you don't use much software that's written in Haskell, do you?

Conclusion: we shouldn't fear unsafe even when it's probably unsafe, and we must remember that we're programming a computer, a machine built upon chaotic mutable state, and that our languages are but an abstraction around assembly.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

I think it's just because I can't resist running at full speed whenever I get the chance.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

I believe BSD has more servers than macOS.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

bad hygiene (for olodumarè’s sake, bathe daily, and if possible brush your teeth at least twice a day).

I know this is popular in this thread, but how to achieve that? I shower 0-3 a day, with 0 being in days waiting for the washing machine for I have showered too much, and have no clothes remaining.

It seems no matter what I do, someone thinks I accidentally opened a shower on myself by how sweaty wet my underwear is, then proceeds to tell me I smell awful and banishes me from society back to my computer, which is what I would be doing anyway, also that person is the only one that complains and they (singular) can't handle heat at all.

I just checked and the temperature goes up to 42*, I don't know how hot that is, since I never look at weather, if it's hot I bear with it, if it's cold I ~~get sick for 3 days~~ bear with it.

Also I only wear winter-y jackets for some reason (A joke that went too far that's been lasting for 3 years?), people underestimate how good they are at shading, and they come with a built-in hat, and protect your body better than any T-shirt ever could.

Wait did I just answer my own question?

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It's hard to answer your request because, you see, your statement is like saying: "Everything is just atoms, so everything is basically the same", it is "reductionist" of higher values, which even atheists have, but the statement itself cannot be denied, nor replaced with an alternative.

Edit: I read your other replies, and you seem to not need this one, to ignore it.

[–] 6 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Actually, crowdstrike has a very bad record regarding this, their services even managed to break Debian servers one time.

Source: some article.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

[joke] That must be my friend's laptop. [joke]

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Google says you have a Core i7-620M,

No, I have an I5, it even has a sticker, but my I5-7500 desktop has an I7 sticker, so stickers aren't reliable. (I have better evidence than the sticker, trust me)

that’s a Westmere, first-generation Intel HD Graphics, provided everything is configured correctly you should have OpenGL 2.1.

I rechecked 1-2 days after making the post, and Mesa reported 2.1 & 2.0 ES, which is consistent with techpowerup, that website never failed me even when I failed myself.

…and, no, you probably really, really don’t want to use OpenGL 1.x. If your implementation supports shaders at all then it’s going to be some vendor-specific non-standard thing. If you want to do anything 3D then 2.0 or 2.1 is the bare reasonable minimum (2.1 gets you PBOs).

I think shaders are a 3D-only thing? which shouldn't be useful for an isometric game. My favorite game runs on DirectX 3.0a, so I 1.x should work, I guess?

Also I will look up PBOs, that acronym looks cool!

If you’re doing 2D well I don’t think it would be wrong for bevy to have a 2.5D engine that...tightly-timed assembly at that, once upon a time it was considered impossible to get smooth side-scrolling on VGA cards – until Carmack came along...

about 1-1.5 weeks ago I watched some Johnathan Blow hating on programming paradigms and game engines, and to be honest, I had already been viewing pre-built engines as things that produce games that are... familiar... they lack souls, integer/buffer_overflows, and their physics are too well-made. I understand the benefits of a prebuilt 3D engine; I played a 3D game on DOSBox and saved before every jump - except the ones that got me stuck in a wall, in addition to an indie 3D C++ mess on Itch (it's the only game I am excited for its release at the moment, as it's still in beta).

I also saw an attempt at using SDL as a Bevy renderer-backend on Github, and there were problems according to the, but I had lost interest by then, because...

After watching much JBlow, I came away with 3 things:

1- OpenGL isn't worth learning anymore, but don't use SDL to abstract yourself from it, use raylib. That's his opinion, so I decided to build my engine on Macroquad, a raylib-like thing, as using rust-bindgen feels un-ergonomic.

2- ECSes and other pre-forced paradigms are meaningless, just write the game.

3- He doesn't like Rust, which I ignored.

You might think Rust is a bad choice if I like overflowing things, as Rust is safe, but before you is something I wrote semi-seriously (I say "semi-" so I don't get laughed at) a day or two ago:

let mut key = Key::new(500.0, 500.0, 50.0, PINK, unsafe {
        let x = &entities[9] as *const Box<dyn Entity> as *mut Box<dyn Entity>;
        // SAFETY: This is straight up undefined behaviour, I have a solution
        // that is better, simpler and safe, which is seperating the entity list
        // and `GameContext`, but I wanted this to exist in the git history.
        // And before I sleep and forget, the way is passing `&mut door` to
        // `update()` manually, and passing `entities` to `walk`.
        // A `RefCell` wouldn't have complained at runtime anyway.
        &mut *x

As you can see, using anything remotely similar to Arc<Mutex<T>> would get me accused of having skill issues, which is extremely bad considering I am one of those 'I use NeoVim/Colmack-DH/Rust/Linux BTW' people, so I prefer extreme measures, AKA just regular-C-code style of writing, so it won't be long before I meet some REAL undefined behavior.

If you're interested in my little project, it's about a yellow square in rooms of yellow walls, which I planned to write in 3 days, which I finished today, a few hours after Fajr prayer, one week after I set the deadline to 3 days.

Time to add a 3D turn-based combat system to it for reason, I first need a flat yellow cube, and some doom-like fake-3D enemies.

In case you’re into the arcane craft of the elders, here’s a book.

Thanks, I wish to write assembly sometime down the road, and discover these treasures of knowledge.

Edit: in case you're wondering how I solved the code problem, I started thinking and realized that I wanted to pass a &mut T to Key.Update(), but I was also holding a &T inside of GameContext, which is impossible in safe Rust, so I changed it hold a &mut T instead.

They say: "Make it work, then make it right, then make it fast", but maybe they didn't mean jumping to unsafe when they said "work".

Edit2: I forgot to say something about prebuilt engines. In addition to creating an inconsistency between quality of the engine (physics and UI interactions), and the quality of the game-specific code, they are also very bloated and that's reflected in binary sizes and the performance penalty of being a general-purpose engine.

Macroquad is also an offender of this, as a mere cargo add bloats the release binary up to 70 whole Mibs, but I managed to shave off 10 Mibs in a few hours by cloning the repo and "forking" Macroquad and it's huge math library, grim, and "de-bloating" them, and my game would still compile fine, so there's much room for optimizing the binary size, as well as performance, since I am low-level enough to implement my own delta time.

Also I am crazy about performance, which can be traced back to trying to run games on an HP compaq DC 5800 for 4 painful years, whose GPU is even worse than the laptop's.


OpenGL 1.5 support? (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

I know the title looks insane, but hear me out.

I wanted to make a game, specifically an isometric 2.5D RPG game, nothing that fancy.

So I decided to write it in Rust because I... like Enums, or something, and I had already finished the concurrency chapter, so I should be able to hang on.

Bevy seemed like the most complete engine out there, if overkill for my use case, but it's presumably so modular I could de-bloat it adequately, But...

Someone I know has a laptop; it is old.

It is not super old, a Toshiba Portege R700 with a locked BIOS which took me 3 days to trick its Windows 10 boot loader into booting Debian, and accidentally, yet irresponsibly, broke Windows and installed Grub.

There is no reason the thing shouldn't be able to run my hypothetical game. I've personally seen it LANning Sven Co-Op (Half-Life Co-Op) not long ago; the beast could maintain 60FPS for a solid few minutes, before overheating and dropping to 5, but it should hold on better now that I installed GNU/Linux.

So I, just to make sure, ran the command that exposes the OpenGL version used by Mesa, and... Open GL (ES?) 1.5? I surely, need a plan.

I noticed this issue with many indies. Many would-run-on-a-2005-thinkpad games sacrifice this untapped market for features they never use, or worse, go against the artistic vision.

So, since Bevy is modular, can I, a humble would-be-intern, write a rendering backend for the 2003 specification, but not before learning what a rendering backend is?

Or can I, a seasoned searcher, find a premade solution solution for Bevy or any other Rust engine, made to use the 2003 spec, or even the 1992 1.0 spec?

Or would it be worthwhile, to construct an engine of mine?

Edit: Or can I, a man of determination, write an FFI for an existing C solution?

[–] 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

It's always funny when 2 people politely agree that they more or less hate each other. Good day.

NAMBLA people just seem like less disgusting Americans. Uninterested!

[–] 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)

We have (somewhat?) similar action in the US, there was a republican GOP member in New Hampshire that was pushing to keep legal marriage set at 16 rather than 18, described the 16 year-olds as “ripe”…super creepy

I am pretty sure he's an awful person just because he's an American politician.

But you're missing the point though, you still think of young marriage as an absolutely-no-questions-asked obscene thing, which is understandable, seeing that most western teenagers are brainwashed into thinking they're kids, and are therefore immature and aren't ready for marriage. (Which creates some other problems because that's the natural age for marriage)

Where I live, we have 16-year-old men marrying 14-year-old women, and they have a child a year or two later, and they're really fine, except for maybe being less educated that they could have otherwise been. Speed of maturity actually depends mainly on two factors: difficulty of life (maturity of the mind and body), and heat of the climate (sexual maturity), and considering how high both were at the time of prophet PbUH, marrying at 9 is absolutely normal.

In fact, I am sure there are many marriage-ready 9-year-old women at places like Uganda and the poor African nations.

Actually, the idea of setting a minimum age only came to us with the french when they decided to colonize us, so of course we won't look positively at ideas brought by people who came to rape and pillage, and it still doesn't seem so bright considering they're still pillaging us implicitly through corrupt political affairs.

Isn't it weird that some resource-rich nations are dead-poor, while something like London can look like science fiction, and that a system as inefficient as democracy continues to function, and that every citizen somehow has human rights, and that the electricity doesn't get cut daily. To this day I have a hard time believing that flat asphalt roads exist, and that driving on them doesn't feel like riding a roller coaster of some sort; NO IT MUST BE FICTION, I WON'T BELIEVE IT TILL I SEE IT WITH MY OWN EYES!!!

Note to Americans: you guys might say: "Oh, but our medical system is a scam and colleges cause students to drown in debt because we normalized the disgusting act of usury!", it's just because your government's is spending a third-of-the-world's-military-budget worth of money on bombing Iraq and Yemen and Palestine and Cuba and Afghanistan and some other things in the name of "War On Terrorism" against those they pillaged. (No wait they made it back when they built a dock in Gaza to steal all their oil, so your government actually has no excuse, it must be corruption/falling into usury)

On the topic of American wastage, I read an article long ago where Americans were concerned that a 2000$ houthi drone was usually dealt with using a 2m$ missile, so the Pentagon spokesman or something replied with what was essentially: "Don't worry, Americans! the houthi's "terrorism" is already causing much more economic harm, so that's a negligible efficiency loss", like, how is telling people that the situation is much worse than they imagine supposed to calm them down?

Edit: I forgot Russia, almost the only nation America has any right to actually fight.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

I have written a calculator in Rust and libcosmic, the design is copied from gnome-calculator; I discovered 2 things:

  1. I don't like working on UIs.
  2. I have no idea how to transform




this code would be so much cleaner if I could return a button::standard() from a function.

The source code.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

Tabs are 8 characters, and thus indentations are also 8 characters. There are heretic movements that try to make indentations 4 (or even 2!) characters deep, and that is akin to trying to define the value of PI to be 3.

I am in love with this awsome document; I love its guidelines, and coding conventions.

However, when Rust was introduced into the kernel, they butchered these beautiful guidelines, I know it's hard to look at such heretic actions, but you have to see this:

The default settings of rustfmt are used. This means the idiomatic Rust style is followed. For instance, 4 spaces are used for indentation rather than tabs.

How can this even relate to the ideology of the first document? I am deeply saddened by these new rules.

I know this is "The Rust experiment", but this must be fixed before it's too late! This has to reach someone.

A counter-argument might be:

The code should be formatted using rustfmt. In this way, a person contributing from time to time to the kernel does not need to learn and remember one more style guide. More importantly, reviewers and maintainers do not need to spend time pointing out style issues anymore, and thus less patch roundtrips may be needed to land a change.

And to that I say that rustfmt is configurable per project, and if it isn't, then it has to be. Doesn't something like .editorconfig exist?

Edit: I think I read enough comments to come up with a conclusion.

At first, forcing another language's code style upon another sounds backwards, but both styles are actually more similar than I originally though, the kernel's C style is just rustfmt’s default with:

  • 80 character line.
  • 8-space hard tabs.
  • Indentation limited to 3.
  • Short local-variable names.
  • Having function length scale negatively with complexity.

The part about switch statements doesn't apply as Rust replaced them with match.*

The part about function brackets on new lines doesn't apply because Rust does have nested functions.

The bad part about bracket-less if statements doesn't apply as Rust doesn't support such anti-features.

The part about editor cruft is probably solved in this day & age.

The rest are either forced by the borrow checker, made obsolete by the great type system, or are just C exclusive issues that are unique to C.

I left out some parts of the standard that I do not understand.

This all turned up to be an indentation and line-size argument. Embarrassing!

*: I experimented with not-indenting the arms of the root match expression, it's surprisingly very good for simple match expressions, and feels very much like a switch, though I am not confident in recommending to people. Example:

match x {
5 => foo(),
3 => bar(),
1 => match baz(x) {
	Ok(_) => foo2(),
	Err(e) => match maybe(e) {
		Ok(_) => bar2(),
		_ => panic!(),
_ => panic!(),


This texture pack, called Minecraftclone, is the best MC texture pack for MCL out there, because the only competition is NS-textures and this one which doesn't have a download link.

All the textures are taken from Minecraft 1.20 except for:

  • Horses, taken from 1.12
  • Bells*
  • Any feature not present in vanilla MC*

*: They are taken from mods with varying levels of editing done by me.

This pack supports the following mods:

  • MineClone2 Emerald Stuff
  • More Ores*
  • Technic*

*: Partial support

This pack is a work-in-progress, and lacks:

  • Most trims.
  • Lectern.
  • Brewing Stand.
  • Sun & Moon

Keywords for search engines to increase visibilty:

  • Minecraft textures for Mineclone
  • MC textures for MCL
  • Minecraft texture pack for Mineclone

I am also planning promote the pack on r/Minetest if this post fails to attract search engine results.


I have a huge library of game EXEs on my computer, but they run at a 4:3 aspect ratio as they're old, Proton/Proton-GE/WINE-GE keep the aspect ratio and place black bars left and right, which is desireble, unlike wine who stocks them to the left side of the screen.


I am probably unqualified to speak about this, as I am using an RX 550 low profile and a 768P monitor and almost never play newer titles, but I want to kickstart a discussion, so hear me out.

The push for more realistic graphics was ongoing for longer than most of us can remember, and it made sense for most of its lifespan, as anyone who looked at an older game can confirm - I am a person who has fun making fun of weird looking 3D people.

But I feel games' graphics have reached the point of diminishing returns, AAA studios of today spend millions of dollars just to match the graphics' level of their previous titles - often sacrificing other, more important things on the way, and that people are unnecessarily spending lots of money on electricity consuming heat generating GPUs.

I understand getting an expensive GPU for high resolution, high refresh rate gaming but for 1080P? you shouldn't need anything more powerful than a 1080 TI for years. I think game studios should just slow down their graphical improvements, as they are unnecessary - in my opinion - and just prevent people with lower end systems from enjoying games, and who knows, maybe we will start seeing 50 watt gaming GPUs being viable and capable of running games at medium/high settings, going for cheap - even iGPUs render good graphics now.

TLDR: why pay for more and hurt the environment with higher power consumption when what we have is enough - and possibly overkill.

Note: it would be insane of me to claim that there is not a big difference between both pictures - Tomb Raider 2013 Vs Shadow of the Tomb raider 2018 - but can you really call either of them bad, especially the right picture (5 years old)?

Note 2: this is not much more that a discussion starter that is unlikely to evolve into something larger.


I might clean under a non-functioning button after this.

I used an old charging cable with a broken micro USB port.

Is this fixable? (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

My 9yr old sister felt something is preventing her leg from moving, so she used violence.

A joystick USB cable.

*Without buying - or ripping off - another USB head of course.


This might seem stupid, but hear me out.

Fallout 3 on Epic is 39 GiB, the reason for that huge size is you're forced to download all the language packs, same story for Tomb Raider and FFXIII.

As someone with a monthly data limit of 140 Gib, and who has to share it with a family, these - unnecessary - download sizes are unacceptable and make me want - and plan - to pirate the game -which even though I didn't play for I still legally own*- and only having to download 7 GiB.

I would've complained about disk space but you can just remove the extra languages conveniently located in saperate folders**.

This also applies to single player games with privacy-invasive DRM and usability-hurting DRM***, and for people who hate the idea of DRM in general.

*Own as a service and a using license.

**Unless you are tight on disk space and cannot fully download the game before removing the files.

**DOOM 2016 didn't work on Linux duo to the DRM being incompatible with proton.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

I made a git hub issue, but I want to ask here as well in hope of finding success

After running heroic in the terminal, the following thing catchs my eye: The terminal hangs at either

[Backend]: Running Wine command: wineboot --init or [Legendary]: Using cached install info or] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 1 -and 2 &amp; 3- times!

sometimes I get a notification to install mono when switching WINE versions (WINE-GE).

Somewhere along the loading process a "wineboot.exe" blank windows appears depending on the wine version (heppens with proton) and stays for a while. I am using Wine-GE

Things I tried:

-Deleting the "Games" folder in my home folder - Only heroic used it anyway.

-Adding the game to steam through Heroic's "Add to steam" button.

-Reinstalling heroic and all of its dependencies.

-Manually adding the game's EXE to steam and forcing a Proton version.

-Launching the game by double clicking it in my file manager Nemo.

Surprisingly, only the last two things succeeded in running the game properly.

Terminal output after a successful run:

(Excuse my inability to use a code block on this)

`[doods@doods-pc-7500 ~]$ flatpak run com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl [13:0803/] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory Gtk-Message: 01:18:56.754: Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module" Gtk-Message: 01:18:56.791: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" Gtk-Message: 01:18:56.791: Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module" Gtk-Message: 01:18:56.792: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" Gtk-Message: 01:18:56.792: Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module" [13:0803/] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory [13:0803/] Failed to connect to the bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory [13:0803/] bind() failed: Address already in use (98) [13:0803/] Cannot start http server for devtools. which: no wine in (/app/bin:/app/bin:/app/utils/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/extensions/vulkan/MangoHud/bin:/usr/lib/extensions/vulkan/OBSVkCapture/bin:/app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/linux) (01:18:56) INFO: [Legendary]: Running command: XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/home/doods/.var/app/com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl/config/heroic/legendaryConfig /app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/linux/legendary --version (01:18:56) INFO: [Legendary]: Legendary location: /app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/linux/legendary (01:18:56) INFO: [Gog]: GOGDL location: /app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/linux/gogdl (01:18:56) INFO: [Connection]: Connectivity: check-online (01:18:56) INFO: [Connection]: Pinging external endpoints (01:18:56) INFO: [Backend]: DRM module staus { oimompecagnajdejgnnjijobebaeigek: { name: 'Widevine Content Decryption Module', status: 'new', version: '4.10.2557.0' } } APPIMAGE env is not defined, current application is not an AppImage LaunchProcess: failed to execvp: xdg-settings (01:18:57) WARNING: [Backend]: Failed to register protocol with OS. [13:0803/] Gtk: gtk_widget_add_accelerator: assertion 'GTK_IS_ACCEL_GROUP (accel_group)' failed [13:0803/] Gtk: gtk_widget_add_accelerator: assertion 'GTK_IS_ACCEL_GROUP (accel_group)' failed [13:0803/] Gtk: gtk_widget_add_accelerator: assertion 'GTK_IS_ACCEL_GROUP (accel_group)' failed (01:18:57) INFO: [Gog]: Running command: /app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/linux/gogdl --auth-config-path /home/doods/.var/app/com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl/config/heroic/gog_store/auth.json --version (01:18:57) INFO: [Connection]: Connectivity: online (01:18:57) ERROR: [Gog]: Unable to syncQueued playtime, userData not present (01:18:57) INFO: [Nile]: Running command: XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/home/doods/.var/app/com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl/config/heroic/nile_config /app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/linux/nile --version (01:18:57) INFO: [Backend]: Loading Screen Ready (01:18:57) INFO: [Backend]: AreWeAntiCheatYet data downloaded (01:18:57) INFO: [Frontend]: Refreshing undefined Library (01:18:57) INFO: [Legendary]: Refreshing library... (01:18:57) INFO: [Legendary]: Refreshing Epic Games... (01:18:57) WARNING: [Backend]: refresh not implemented on Sideload Library Manager (01:18:57) INFO: [Legendary]: Game list updated, got 26 games & DLCs (01:18:57) INFO: [Backend]: Frontend Ready (01:18:57) WARNING: [Backend]: listUpdateableGames not implemented on Sideload Library Manager (01:18:57) INFO: [Gog]: Found 0 game(s) to update (01:18:57) INFO: [Backend]: Checking for current version changelog hostname: invalid option -- 'f' Try 'hostname --help' for more information. (01:18:58) INFO: [Legendary]: Checking for game updates: XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/home/doods/.var/app/com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl/config/heroic/legendaryConfig /app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/linux/legendary list --third-party (01:18:58) INFO: [Legendary]: Running command: XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/home/doods/.var/app/com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl/config/heroic/legendaryConfig /app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/linux/legendary list --third-party (01:18:58) INFO: [Backend]:

Heroic Version: 2.9.1 Boa Hancock Legendary Version: 0.20.32 Dark Energy (hotfix #6) GOGdl Version: 0.7.3 Nile Version: 1.0.0 Jonathan Joestar

Electron Version: 24.4.1 Chrome Version: 112.0.5615.204 NodeJS Version: 18.14.0

OS: Freedesktop SDK KERNEL: 6.4.6-200.fc38.x86_64 ARCH: x64 CPU: Intel Core™ i5-7500 @3.4 GOVERNOR: powersave RAM: Total: 7.62 GiB Available: 4.68 GiB GRAPHICS: GPU0: HD Graphics 630 VRAM: 256MB PROTOCOL: x11

(01:18:58) INFO: [Legendary]: Checking if EOS Overlay is enabled: XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/home/doods/.var/app/com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl/config/heroic/legendaryConfig /app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/linux/legendary eos-overlay info --prefix "/home/doods/Games/Heroic/Prefixes/default/Tomb Raider GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION" (01:18:58) INFO: [ExtraGameInfo]: Using cached ExtraGameInfo data for Tomb Raider GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION (01:18:58) DEBUG: [Legendary]: Using cached install info (01:18:58) INFO: [ExtraGameInfo]: Using cached ExtraGameInfo data for Tomb Raider GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION (01:18:58) DEBUG: [Legendary]: Using cached install info (01:18:58) DEBUG: [Legendary]: Using cached install info (01:18:59) INFO: [Legendary]: Abort command "XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/home/doods/.var/app/com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl/config/heroic/legendaryConfig /app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/linux/legendary eos-overlay info --prefix "/home/doods/Games/Heroic/Prefixes/default/Tomb Raider GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION"" Error occurred in handler for 'isEosOverlayEnabled': AbortError: The operation was aborted at abortChildProcess (node:child_process:746:27) at EventTarget.onAbortListener (node:child_process:816:7) at [nodejs.internal.kHybridDispatch] (node:internal/event_target:735:20) at EventTarget.dispatchEvent (node:internal/event_target:677:26) at abortSignal (node:internal/abort_controller:308:10) at AbortController.abort (node:internal/abort_controller:338:5) at callAbortController (/app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar/build/electron/main.f23c4159.js:2:404) at Object.onOutput (/app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar/build/electron/main.f23c4159.js:190:23627) at Socket. (/app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar/build/electron/main.f23c4159.js:100:743) at Socket.emit (node:events:513:28) { code: 'ABORT_ERR' } which: no wine in (/app/bin:/app/bin:/app/utils/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/extensions/vulkan/MangoHud/bin:/usr/lib/extensions/vulkan/OBSVkCapture/bin:/app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/linux) (01:18:59) INFO: [Winetricks]: Downloading Winetricks (01:18:59) DEBUG: [Legendary]: Using cached install info which: no wine in (/app/bin:/app/bin:/app/utils/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/extensions/vulkan/MangoHud/bin:/usr/lib/extensions/vulkan/OBSVkCapture/bin:/app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/linux) (01:19:00) INFO: [Legendary]: Found 0 games to update (01:19:00) DEBUG: [Legendary]: Using cached install info (01:19:00) DEBUG: [Legendary]: Using cached install info (01:19:01) INFO: [Backend]: d6264d56f5ba434e91d4b0a0b056c83a: Setting wineVersion to {"bin":"/home/doods/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/GE-Proton8-7/proton","name":"Proton - GE-Proton8-7","type":"proton"} (01:19:02) DEBUG: [Legendary]: Using cached install info (01:19:02) INFO: [Backend]: Starting the Download Queue (01:19:02) INFO: [Backend]: Launching Tomb Raider GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION (d6264d56f5ba434e91d4b0a0b056c83a) (01:19:02) INFO: [Backend]: Preventing display from sleep (01:19:02) INFO: [Backend]: Checking if wine version exists: Proton - GE-Proton8-7 (01:19:02) INFO: [Backend]: Preventing machine to sleep (01:19:02) INFO: [Backend]: Stopping Power Saver Blocker (01:19:02) DEBUG: [Legendary]: Using cached install info (01:19:02) DEBUG: [Legendary]: Using cached install info (01:19:02) DEBUG: [Legendary]: Using cached install info (01:19:02) DEBUG: [Legendary]: Using cached install info (01:19:03) INFO: [Backend]: Checking if wine version exists: Proton - GE-Proton8-7 (01:19:03) WARNING: [Backend]: You are using Proton, this can lead to some bugs. Please do not open issues with bugs related to games (01:19:03) INFO: [Backend]: Checking if wine version exists: Proton - GE-Proton8-7 (01:19:03) INFO: [Backend]: Checking if wine version exists: Proton - GE-Proton8-7 (01:19:03) DEBUG: [Backend]: Running Wine command: run wineboot --init (01:22:57) INFO: [Legendary]: Launching Tomb Raider GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION: XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/home/doods/.var/app/com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl/config/heroic/legendaryConfig STEAM_COMPAT_CLIENT_INSTALL_PATH=/home/doods/.var/app/com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl/.steam/steam STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="/home/doods/Games/Heroic/Prefixes/default/Tomb Raider GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION" STEAM_COMPAT_INSTALL_PATH=/mnt/9d0ba9a2-ba39-4b1c-84d9-1198e5020470/EGS/TombRaiderGOTYE WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=0 PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 STEAM_COMPAT_APP_ID=0 SteamAppId=0 SteamGameId=heroic-TombRaiderGOTYE PROTON_LOG_DIR=/home/doods/.var/app/com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl /app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/linux/legendary launch d6264d56f5ba434e91d4b0a0b056c83a --language en --no-wine --wrapper " '/home/doods/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/GE-Proton8-7/proton' run

(01:25:05) INFO: [Backend]: Stopping Display Power Saver Blocker [13:0803/] Gtk: gtk_widget_add_accelerator: assertion 'GTK_IS_ACCEL_GROUP (accel_group)' failed [13:0803/] Gtk: gtk_widget_add_accelerator: assertion 'GTK_IS_ACCEL_GROUP (accel_group)' failed [13:0803/] Gtk: gtk_widget_add_accelerator: assertion 'GTK_IS_ACCEL_GROUP (accel_group)' failed (01:25:05) INFO: [Frontend]: Refreshing legendary Library (01:25:05) INFO: [Legendary]: Refreshing library... (01:25:05) INFO: [Legendary]: Refreshing Epic Games... (01:25:05) INFO: [Legendary]: Game list updated, got 26 games & DLCs (01:25:05) DEBUG: [Legendary]: Using cached install info (01:25:05) DEBUG: [Legendary]: Using cached install info (01:25:05) INFO: [Legendary]: Running command: XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/home/doods/.var/app/com.heroicgameslauncher.hgl/config/heroic/legendaryConfig /app/bin/heroic/resources/app.asar.unpacked/build/bin/linux/legendary list --third-party `

Update: I found a repo for fedora on their github page, downloaded it and games started working fine.

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