[-] DudeDudenson@lemmings.world 12 points 1 day ago

"oh nice we're also having issues with random packets being dropped, can you look into that? It's business critical"

[-] DudeDudenson@lemmings.world -3 points 3 days ago

You're aware this is a piracy sub right?

[-] DudeDudenson@lemmings.world 14 points 4 days ago

I also wanted to upload a piece of software that is nowhere in the internet but couldn't find a popular site that would let me either

Hell I got banned from the tpb forums for asking if someone with an account would be kind enough to upload it

[-] DudeDudenson@lemmings.world 5 points 4 days ago

I've lived in the city my entire life so I've never seen a cow in person, how do you go about tipping the cow and why is it an issue?

[-] DudeDudenson@lemmings.world 187 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

It's all fun and games until you realize modern farm equipment has more shitty tech in it than the datacenters you're running away from

[-] DudeDudenson@lemmings.world 64 points 2 months ago

The Amazon equivalent for my country does this for their site on mobile by removing filters and making it so anything related to your account just tells you to use the app.

However If you toggle desktop mode in your browser everything works perfectly fine. It's almost as if they just want to data mine you. Surely no company would have that as a motive!

[-] DudeDudenson@lemmings.world 70 points 2 months ago

You've never worked retail have you

[-] DudeDudenson@lemmings.world 128 points 2 months ago

If you think about it the last option is a way to use login via 2fa

[-] DudeDudenson@lemmings.world 77 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Can we not link to pay walled stuff, or at least have a bot extract it somehow

[-] DudeDudenson@lemmings.world 114 points 5 months ago

Does it really have to be entire movies when theres a ton of promotional images and memes with similar images?

[-] DudeDudenson@lemmings.world 89 points 7 months ago

Depends on whether you're concerned about your enemies approaching from the sea or the sky

[-] DudeDudenson@lemmings.world 90 points 8 months ago

You know what I miss? When information was condensed instead of spread out to insert more ads. When software willingly gave you all the options you could ever need instead of removing most of them because "people might get confused". When website took up the entire screen instead of a mobile wide strip in the middle because "it can be scary for people".

Fuck everyone who keeps lowering the bar of tech literacy just to appeal to the general public.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by DudeDudenson@lemmings.world to c/boostforlemmy@lemmy.world

I'm unable to log in through the app, I keep getting this invalid account error despite the fact I'm copy pasting the login info from the one I'm using on this very browser

Edit: I'm an idiot

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