[-] ElHexo@hexbear.net 37 points 9 months ago

The difference between someone with $1000 and a million dollars is the same between a millionaire and billionaire.

[-] ElHexo@hexbear.net 41 points 9 months ago

Senators need 60 votes to do just about anything in the Senate but change the rules. That takes only 51 votes.

What can we do Jack, if we had to change the rules of the senate to allow majority votes then we might be able to do something

[-] ElHexo@hexbear.net 47 points 10 months ago

National Bureau of Statistics spokesman Fu Linghui on Tuesday said the release of the data would be suspended from August as the way the jobless rate was calculated needed to be improved to reflect the changing society.

He said there were 65 million students in the 16-24 age group and it was questionable whether they should be included in the unemployment figures before they graduated.

On the face of it, this seems quite reasonable.

You would expect that youth unemployment would capture the young people in the labour force, i.e. the number of people actually looking to work.

[-] ElHexo@hexbear.net 41 points 10 months ago

It is almost entirely unilateral action by AfD though.

A better article would make AfD look even more perverse by highlighting a key plant of Xi Jinping thought is "ecological civilisation", that China invests heavily in renewables and is building a $1 billion factory in Hungary (from memory) to gain more European green market share.

It could also seek comment from Chinese officials, or even AfD (I didn't see that but might have missed it?)

[-] ElHexo@hexbear.net 47 points 10 months ago

Hexbear is a lemmy instance about the intersection of media, PR, and power, hosted by Nima Shirazi and Adam Johnson.

[-] ElHexo@hexbear.net 39 points 10 months ago

Dismiss the propaganda then?

[-] ElHexo@hexbear.net 37 points 10 months ago

Not reporting to the government that people were hiding Jews was illegal in certain countries in the 1940s, so I'm glad you're not in that time period because it sounds like you'd be reporting the lot of them

[-] ElHexo@hexbear.net 45 points 10 months ago

Leaking confidential information, as damning as it may be, is illegal.

Julian Assange wasn't even fucking American or in America

[-] ElHexo@hexbear.net 45 points 10 months ago

You, two posts up:

What about what about what about

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