[-] ExoMonk@beehaw.org 9 points 10 months ago

I think people should read the actual NY Times interview because this post reads very unhinged and foaming at the mouth. So many things taken out of context and twisted to fuel a narrative.

The real interview was pretty soft but AOC was pretty clear and transparent in what she does and why.


[-] ExoMonk@beehaw.org 8 points 10 months ago

When I see articles like this and climate problems in general it just screams to me how fucked we are. My only hope is that I die before things get really bad because I don't believe that capitalism will let our government change the status quo. They'll push for new desalination techniques they can charge a pretty penny for and kick the can down the road further before allowing regulations and serious action to take place.

Yes this is a defeatist attitude because honestly I feel pretty defeated and I don't see a way things will get better in the current political climate.

[-] ExoMonk@beehaw.org 37 points 10 months ago

Maybe it's different for the upper management types, but for me I am easily 3x more productive at home in < 6 hours than I ever was at 8+ hours in the office.

There are soo many distractions in the office environment we had (cubicle farm). People chatting behind me, constant noise, people coming up to my desk throughout the day to ask me something and disrupt my entire workflow.

I work in my quiet home with headphones on listening to music. When people need something from me they ping me in Teams or send an email and I get to choose when to stop my work to respond. And when I really need to focus I can throw on Do Not Disturb mode. In the office "Do Not Disturb" was me booking a conference room for myself to work in silence.

[-] ExoMonk@beehaw.org 5 points 10 months ago

I made enough to pay for the 3080 I was mining on and heat my office in the winter at the same time.

[-] ExoMonk@beehaw.org 10 points 10 months ago

Wait, Joe Manchin is a democrat? /s

[-] ExoMonk@beehaw.org 7 points 10 months ago

Its a great indexer. This and nzbgeek and I need pretty much nothing else

[-] ExoMonk@beehaw.org 15 points 11 months ago

Read through the post, OP mentioned a few times that this isn't about a phone war. It's just one persons experience going from Android to iPhone; what worked well and what didn't.

I think a lot of folks have picked an ecosystem and never strayed from it; seeing a post like this helps fill the gaps of their curiosity. Being exposed to other people's experiences and experience a change yourself is a good thing.

At the end of the day phones are just tools to help you go about your day to day. We don't have to foam at the mouth over a discussion like this. iPhones are very good devices and have great synergy with other Apple devices and apps. Android is a very customizable experience which has many great phones at very good prices. You can't go wrong with either IMO.

[-] ExoMonk@beehaw.org 12 points 11 months ago

I never realized until recently that a NUC is the perfect device for my aging mother-in-law. She has an old gaming desktop (sans-gpu) with a i5-4670 that is plugged up to a 1080p monitor next to her recliner chair. At some point that PC will die and these seem like a pretty meaty upgrade in a tiny box.

I'm glad someone "reputable" is taking the helm.

[-] ExoMonk@beehaw.org 6 points 11 months ago

Yeah while MS does also "own" the PC ecosystem via Windows, I'd bet MS probably makes more money off of an individual Xbox player than a PC player which should make them a bit less friendly to PC.

For starters:

  • Steam takes a 30% cut of all sales
  • Sales and prices are usually much better on Steam than consoles so a lot of people wait for that number to drop over time
  • For most multiplayer games you need to pay for Xbox Gold which is upwards of $50-$60 a year (or gamepass which is even more, though you get more out of it).
  • You have to buy the console (this really depends on if MS actually makes money on console sales though) to play the game too.

Microsoft doesn't have to put their games on PC if they don't want to and in the past they kind of didn't (no one liked GFWL). They could totally go the exclusive route again, but I think MS knows that Xbox die-hard will buy an Xbox console and obviously buy the games on the xbox store for whatever it cost. PC players will also buy it if it's a good game and a good price and, this is crucial, is on Steam.

PC players are an untapped resource of potential customers; That's why Sony finally decided to also cave and put their games on Steam. Money is money, but the difference is MS is betting big on GamePass and good-will right now since they are behind Sony in sales. I think because they're behind Sony and trying to earn that good-will back, MS becomes more friendly to PC by putting their games on PC day one and on GamePass day one whereas Sony is still going with the 1-year (or more) PS5 exclusivity thing.

The interesting thing will be if MS ever gets back on top again, who knows what that looks like, but it'll probably suck.

[-] ExoMonk@beehaw.org 21 points 11 months ago

Yeah the PS5 is pretty reasonably priced for what you get. I think the issue is two fold:

  1. We already have really expensive machines that probably play games much better than the PS5 in frames and quality so buying another machine for a handful of games is just not in the cards.
  2. Many of us much prefer keyboard/mouse and using controllers is really hard when you've not done it in many years.

I think we just wish Playstation was more friendly to PC players and not have these long exclusives (they've gotten a lot better recently though). Microsoft for example is a lot friendlier to PC players than Sony. Pretty much all MS first party games are on PC pretty much day one and many of them are on GamePass day one as well.

[-] ExoMonk@beehaw.org 7 points 11 months ago

The first gen will anyways be best for me. Nothing else since had captured the magic I felt for that game with the exception of gen 2. Going through all of Johto and beating the game and then end up back in Kanto and beating that one too. That was truly special.

[-] ExoMonk@beehaw.org 16 points 1 year ago

There would have been no outrage if Reddit valued its users. If they came out and said they were going to start charging (a reasonable amount) for API access but were giving developers until the end of the year to prepare no one would have batted an eye.

Most would probably migrate to the Reddit app for free. Some would just start paying to use the app of their choice and we’d have moved on.

Reddit showed their true colors which was a big f you to the free labor and free content producers of their platform.

I would’ve paid $5-$10 a month to Apollo had this all been handled professionally. Instead I’ve deleted Reddit , fired up an rss feed app and I’m also here now. There’s a handful of communities I haven’t found a suitable replacement for but I’ll live.

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