No, definitely people wouldnt quarantine like that. But, H5N1 can have a really high mortality rate. From what I can tell, a near 100%. for birds and some marine mammals. I.e. every animal that catches it, dies.
Not to be macabre, but I don't mean how long would people have to quarantine to beat back the virus. Im asking how long would an individual have to hide from everyone else, before everyone else, who refused to believe it was real, and whatnot, caught the virus and just...died.
But in the situation in imagining, they would all be dead. I'd be stuck there indefinitely!
But you do have a point. Im sure the public health officials in my area would tell everyone that there's nothing to worry about and to go get infected for fun. :/ guess I'd be the only one left, granted I stay inside long enough to outlive all the infected.