[-] FilthyHookerSpit@lemmy.world 10 points 4 days ago

Idk why op would be buying Sennheiser or Corsair peripherals if they're struggling.i just got that op is cheap af.

Kindly grotesque (lemmy.world)
[-] FilthyHookerSpit@lemmy.world 24 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Probably some combination of:

  • Require them to have a 4 year degree
  • No qualified immunity
  • Make them also liable to civil suits
  • Heavily slash their budget
  • Disarm all of them, save maybe for SWAT
  • much, much better descalation training (pretty sure they're trained to escalate immediately)
[-] FilthyHookerSpit@lemmy.world 30 points 2 months ago

Part of me really buys into the idea that Musk is pulling an evil mastermind move with his other billionaire pals, destroying one of the biggest social media sites to keep users fractured. End goal keeping any community small and unable to organize at scale. Then the voice of reason tells me this just another egotistical nepo baby trying to staunch the hemorrhaging of money from his last bad investment.

[-] FilthyHookerSpit@lemmy.world 19 points 3 months ago

Did you mean that you've never heard of a non-trans woman using Linux?


Title, tried using top/controversial and old/new, order does not change.

Device information

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Sync flavor: googlePlay    

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Android: 14
The Fast Walkers (lemmy.world)

Electro swing

(Also posted in band names)

Bick and Stoned (lemmy.world)


[-] FilthyHookerSpit@lemmy.world 14 points 3 months ago

...Are we the baddies?

[-] FilthyHookerSpit@lemmy.world 22 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I'm still surprised how GoT was on the forefront of pop culture and within 2 seasons any and all interest was morphed to apathetic disdain. No one really talks about it anymore. It's only "they fucked up the ending". Blue balled an entire fandom so bad that it impacted the show runners careers. I'm really hoping HotD brings the fandom back (also, a reboot of the last 2 seasons as a whole new show would be dope)

[-] FilthyHookerSpit@lemmy.world 22 points 4 months ago

They have taken advantage of mechanisms that siphons money from the working class. By default they're not good people. Once you're old and aging, spending SOME of your massive fortune to try to leave a benevolent legacy, which in itself is selfish, does not make you a good person.

[-] FilthyHookerSpit@lemmy.world 16 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

You'd need over 30x the amount of total pokemon to match the amount of lies he's told as president

[-] FilthyHookerSpit@lemmy.world 26 points 8 months ago

My partner works customer service for a big company and had a customer call in to say an employee at some location was threatening his life. Her nee jerk response was for the customer to call the police but he responded with the names of other minorities that were killed by police and said he felt calling the police would be a bigger threat to his life than the problem employee. Sad that this is how far we've fallen, oh wait, this has always been the case. We just now have the means to document and report these abuses of power.


I see people always saying that we need more content and I would like to contribute. What are some subs you'd like to see more active?

[-] FilthyHookerSpit@lemmy.world 21 points 9 months ago

I mention this to my friends all the time. So many issues we're dealing with derives from politics, so of course discourse will always return to it.

Money Rent/housing costs Grocery costs Stagnant wages Retirement

School shootings Police brutality Systemic racism

Medicine Insurance R/d for treatments Quality of life

Etc. Etc.

[-] FilthyHookerSpit@lemmy.world 14 points 9 months ago

It doesn't cost money, you could just pay to remove ads. Unless you want all the super fancy features with premium. I bought sync for reddit years ago but I'm sticking with the regular non-premium with Lemmy.

[-] FilthyHookerSpit@lemmy.world 14 points 10 months ago

They're just one big gang. Once you're sworn in, youre "family" and will be protected by the very powerful police unions. We desperately need reform. Or at the minimum, they should require a bachelor's to reduce the amount of people who're in it for the power trip.

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