Ah, what a great opening scene. I was split between horror and laughter.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't want the cops breaking into my house to investigate the smell of my dinner. Curry is delicious, and you know how pigs are about food. We've already (mostly) gotten rid of scent being a reason to search with the ingresses we've made for weed. Let's avoid odor being a definitive reason to search people's property again.
Well, my thoughts on this are pretty 'basic.' I buy games that I enjoy. I think that <5% of my games purchased in the last two years are games that have been released within a year of when I buy them.
There are more than enough games that are amazing from the past 30 years to keep me occupied for the next 10, and not a single one of them stresses my 12 year old computer. Plus, while I can understand the complaints about Steam being the massive titan that it is, I am quite happy with them and their Linux gaming enabling work. I really do just install games and play them.
Just don't mention the four winds shotgun, and we'll make it through these difficult times together.
You were able to be distracted by girls? Fucking nerd. I wish I had gotten my nose out of the books long enough to be distracted.
You're off by a factor of 10: https://en.as.com/latest_news/what-was-brian-thompsons-net-worth-unitedhealthgroup-ceo-killed-in-manhattan-n/
I more meant to laugh at the hilarity of them having a misspelled word. Quick! We must test this more! Someone else get a comment removed by posting relatively innocuous statements!
I get it, but the joke was right there and I had to take the swing.
Huh. Tax stamps must have really changed. It used to be a 7 month wait, minimum, when I was dealing with them.
Why would smashing the glass require two people?
Lol, they can't even code it right to say received? Or is the photoshop job that bad?
I certainly hope not; he just gave you the book for free.