[-] Flamingoaks@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 5 months ago

because they dont know what war is the west hasnt been in a peer war since ww2 and has mostly been fucking around murdering civilians they think they can fight any war while not mobilizing or directing their economy toward war production and with most of their soldiers being poor people and migrants looking for citizenship. they think that just because they could spent 20 years at war with Afghanistan without it having any effect on their lives that they can just go to war with China or Russia and it will be like nothing. And beyond that they believe the bullshit they think Russia is about to lose this war and that their entire military and infrastructure has been destroyed.

[-] Flamingoaks@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

u are a wierd type of "left" com u reject unprincipled anarchist views but by objecting to violence u also reject principled anarchist views. so let me ask u what the fuck are gonna do, like u cant not be violent when the ruling class will murder u if u do something that meaningfully challenges their power, so like why even believe in anything if u also refuse to do anything. like whats the plan try to do something and either fail or get close enough to "suicide" by 2 shotgun shot to the back of the head? like a stick of dynamite is gonna win a fucking war mate we need an army.

[-] Flamingoaks@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 5 months ago

why? if thats the case they are saying all atheist are reactionaries otherwise they would have specified, or better wouldn't have said atheist at all. also im not inclined to give anyone who upholds reactionary ideologies the benefit of the doubt and no one but a theist would have made this.

[-] Flamingoaks@lemmygrad.ml 12 points 5 months ago

didnt american pigs us sonic weapons against protesters at various points?

[-] Flamingoaks@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

its good math absolutely horrible psychology(because its not meant to be). If u want insight into the logic and math it is meant to describe then yeah its great and its cool if u want insight into the motives and future actions of people which is what it is generally sold as in pop science settings and grifts its not insightful at all. It is a field of mathematics u wouldn't study calculus to understand people better game theory is no different, the idea that it would help is ridiculous.

[-] Flamingoaks@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 5 months ago

they did offer up 2 technicalities that could invalidate the case if the judges are biased enough.

[-] Flamingoaks@lemmygrad.ml 11 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

u can "touch grass" without going outside there are other things to do without going outside besides being mad at the shitty part of the internet maybe try to find new hobbies, there are even things to do on the internet that dont involve social media, or range bait content, watc some movies, read some books, read some non political (or maybe differently political would be better) like science news.

but besides that u stop engaging with content by just doing it, the algorithms for all social media and content websites just feed u waterver u click on/watch if u just ignore that stuff it will disappear from ur feeds, so just find other stuff u actually like to watch and specifically search for it and ignore "recommendations" as far as reddit goes dont go to r/all just look at specific communities that u like.

[-] Flamingoaks@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 6 months ago

see a lot of people here talking about how its not really high temperature or being skeptical, but i would just like to point out that it doesnt matter, ceramic type superconductors with similar properties have been known about for decades and nothing has ever been done with them because they just arent useful for the things that metallic super conductors are used for, u cant make a cable out of this stuff and even if u could it would be too brittle to use, in the one picture of lk-99 that gets circulated everywhere u know their big media showcase picture they couldnt even make a full puck of it its that fucking brittle. IF this is true then it still is an interesting discovery that could lead to something but this is by no means the big super conductor breakthru that so many people are presenting it as, this aint the holy grail the holy grail would be this but metallic.

[-] Flamingoaks@lemmygrad.ml 12 points 7 months ago

exact opposite actually https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/consumption-co2-per-capita?tab=table&time=2019..2021 China is the #1 stuff exported so their emissions go down a bit (not too much cuz they also import a lot) while small poor oil producers drop way down, and imperial core countries go up because they import more than they export in general.

[-] Flamingoaks@lemmygrad.ml 9 points 7 months ago

cool but nothing u said has anything to do with this, while im sure the "settler colonial mindset" has some effect on something, Canada and Australia have the same mindset but they dont have the same problem clearly it is not the deciding factor as the original person said.

[-] Flamingoaks@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 7 months ago

literally canada and autralia, same history, same violence, same genocides (literally to the same people in some cases) and they dont have this problem. dont go around saying nonsense.

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