This A.I. shit is wild

[-] 15 points 1 month ago

Very similar situation, but in Physics, LOL. My self esteem was so low that I just assumed she was being lazy and taking advantage of me. I KNEW she was smart enough, but she kept asking me for help over and over. I don’t just give people answers, I work through it with them to teach them. Haha, looking back on it, she was probably just enjoying that interaction, meanwhile, I’m stewing inside about how this girl could be so ignorant as to accidentally keep sending me flirty signals and messing with me so she didn’t have to do her work. Funny thing is, I did like her. It just didn’t compute in my teenager brain that a girl would want to talk to me for any reason beyond getting some quiz answers out of me.

[-] 15 points 1 month ago

Just imagining the result if all of these food items were actually boiled long enough for the potatoes to be cooked.

[-] 15 points 1 month ago

Orcas are smart. This article suggests it’s not intentional and maybe out of curiosity? Whatever. They figured out how to sink boats without ramming full speed. How much you wanna bet they’re pillaging the sunken ships for food and drinks and stuff. Special little treats that sailboats happen to carry. Or maybe they get pissed off when one of them dumps their lavatory waste or something.

[-] 20 points 1 month ago

A friend of mine who believed a lot of conspiracy theories told me it was bad because it calcifies your pineal gland. I called bullshit and googled it.

Turns out, it actually does. There was no proof at the time that this causes any sort of issues, but there it was. I was unhappy that they were actually right about something; I didn’t want to give them the idea that any of their other crazy ideas had any validity.

[-] 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

He was waved through Sky Harbor airport, LOL

[-] 27 points 2 months ago

I think a better term to use would be “fact-based policy.” I believe that even if we intended to rework politics to be more scientific, it would just lead to all the same manipulations and twisting of facts that current politics involves. Don’t like a particular scientific consensus because it interferes with your goals? Hire a bunch of “think-tanks” to publish contradictory papers. Hah, guess what, that’s where we already are.

[-] 13 points 2 months ago

My YouTube is well-trained, but this is how my Instagram is. Didn’t use it or follow anybody on it for years. Recently took to scrolling and watching funny dog videos on there. I was showing my GF a funny pupper and accidentally tapped the search loupe at the bottom. BOOM. Bouncing boobies and butts covered my screen. I just kind-of stared at it in disbelief, saying “What the hell?” She got a laugh out of it. I guess this is a big part of instagram now.

[-] 44 points 2 months ago

Likely, however, Zionists also don’t like him right now. A high-profile popular Jewish politician speaking out against Israel’s actions in Gaza? Yeah, there’s a lot of high emotions there and he’s probably made some more crazy enemies. Right now, I’m 50/50 on which one of these two it might be.

[-] 14 points 3 months ago

People used to believe that when birds were turning their heads while hunting worms that they were listening for them. Just in case you went through life without anybody pointing this out: They’re literally just getting a good look at the ground because most of them have their eyes somewhat on the side of their head.

[-] 19 points 3 months ago

Well then Austin can secede from Texas and then the more conservative neighborhoods can secede from Austin. Secedeceptions all the way down. Why not?

[-] 57 points 4 months ago

I, too, have a job

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