I didn't read it that way. Sounds like for whatever reason the RMIT partnership is ending but ABC is going to carry on with it on their own.

This is probably a bad development. RMIT gave the work an extra sense of rigour and independence. It meant liberals and nationals, and conservatives in general couldn't dismiss their work as just more ABC lefty commie wokeratti greenie stuff, as so many of those people reflexively do now.

The ABC should immediately start looking for a new partner of similar calibre in this ongoing endeavour.

[-] Gorgritch_umie_killa@aussie.zone 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

But what is America without US? /s

I'd rather chill in the spirit world. Maybe spend a few years lost in the fog of lost souls, go hang with Hei Bai, attack some rando's cause someones been breakin trees, end most nights catching up on some reading at Wan Shi's library. I'd avoid the face stealer, cause that ones a dick! Probably drop in on Iroh once in a while for an injection of wisdom in my life.

Spirit world is where its at.

Maybe its supposed to be, "Out with the teapot in with the mug"?

Been a bit partial to vanilla icecream with one of those mini nonnas apple pies lately. If i'm feeling adventurous, a bit a custard to.

Bingeable Cities (aussie.zone)



The articles above inspired me to to meld the two premises in the articles together in the post below. A lunch time read for anyone interested. :)

Australians are a nation of travellers, it's been said that at any one time during the year there are over a million Australians abroad. It's worth noting that it's not said that a good chunk of that cohort are in Bali, our go-to destination of tropical delights!

But what are we doing when abroad? True many spend precious, and too fleeting, moments with distant families, but many are also touring a destination they may have no or minimal familial connection with. I think I have an answer, not the answer, just an answer. And this answer contains an insight into how today we are failing to design and build our own cities to capture the imagination. Bear with me, i'm gona be pulling some long bows on this one.

“Don't feel bad about bingeing TV. Humans have binged stories for thousands of years.” An article offered by Darius von Guttner Sporzynski from Australian Catholic University this week on The Conversation website is a short exploration of the consumption of storytelling.

D. Sporzynski wastes no time dispelling the negative connotations around bingeing. Instead offering an anthropic historical record of the “human desire to be completely immersed in a story.” He lauds bingeing as an act of unrestrained and excessive indulgence. Using examples as far ranging as Palawa Aboriginal (Tassie) oral stories that could refer to events 12,000 years in our pasts to theatre, television, or the moral panics brought on by serialised literature.

Of course, from a certain point of view touring a destination could then also be regarded as a form of bingeing. Certainly experiences in my pre-poll of one, (me), bear out the “unrestrained and excessive indulgence” of touring a destination, my trips to Paris were deluxe all those years ago, thank you for asking. ;) Instead of a piece of art, or literature, or even beer, I suggest we can binge on a destination, in fact why not indulge on whole cities.

Australia might not have fully bingeable cities like Paris or New York, Sydney comes closest (maybe even is), plenty of places around the country have flashes in the pan but fall a little short at the moment. Maybe it's simply due to our country being reasonably young, but I think part of it is the buildings we're constructing in this era. Even the ones where we're trying, for example One Barangaroo, (that big tall new one in Sydney), it's nice, but i'm not sure it adds a great deal to the feel or life of Sydney.

In Western Australia if there's a single destination that has the potential to be bingeable it's Fremantle. Roel Loopers’ Fremantle Herald article, Just Over the Horizon, tells us the city of Fremantle is “embarking on a spatial vision City Plan to shape the future…”

In the article R.Loopers laments sameness, and demands diversity in type, form and use of the buildings developers should be forced to build in the city of Fremantle, stating “level 2 looks the same as level 12, etc and that needs to change.”

He offers suggestions like high rises surrounded by townhouses, single function buildings broken up by different facades, he even suggests the historic Fremantle prison becoming part/neighbouring a mixed use development along with the football field.

It is right to demand this of developers in our cities, especially in those places around our country like Fremantle or Sydney who have the potential to create a touring destination, that, in its discovery and excitement can be a dopamine hit that demolishes the dopamine hits of the latest tv series. But a bingeable city isn't accidentally created, it is demanded and loved.

D.Sporzynski describes “humans desire to escape from reality and engage emotionally with stories.” I say that is what our one million travellers abroad are doing. They are engaging emotionally with far off cities like Paris, London, Tokyo, and of course even our beloved Bali. As D.Sporzynski says, we are developing the 17th and 18th century enlightenment ideal of a critical view of the world through our experiences abroad, but we should take the opportunity now and use our foresight to make our cities bingeable destinations. Sorry developers, concrete and glass boxes aren't enough.

By Gorgritch_umie_killa

[-] Gorgritch_umie_killa@aussie.zone 14 points 2 weeks ago

You don't fucking know shit about it

Nor do you.

Its a largely uninvestigated report at the moment. Maybe people who believe her will turn out to have misplaced their trust, maybe theres a more compliacted series of events, maybe she is lying.

Point is none of us know more than whats been said so far; theres no reason to outright disbelieve someone when they make a serious complaint about discrimination. Otherwise, if we do, we've learned nothing from historic discriminatory abuses in all manner of circumstances.


The ABC are taking some poorly thought and knee-jerk decisions lately. They instead should take a State-like approach to their decision making.

I mean, management need to treat their tenure as a small period in an organisation that continues forever. A perspective change, hopefully leading to better deliberative decisions.

No need to rush when you have eternity to play with.

[-] Gorgritch_umie_killa@aussie.zone 37 points 1 month ago

Someone call Mr Squiggle, that red line ain't very straight!

[-] Gorgritch_umie_killa@aussie.zone 30 points 1 month ago

I really hope its a jury trial, and they prove to be very useful. Interesting strategy Google went for.


Its interesting that they never decided to move the business into the shopping centres, to try and follow the crowd. Store front rents in those places probably would have killed them.

[-] Gorgritch_umie_killa@aussie.zone 14 points 1 month ago

Hahaha thats truly terrible! I can see why she wants taken down. NGA might need to extend their hours for this one.


Man, first the Stokes Stoush, now the facebook right hook. Twiggys making enemies with all the big media companies.

I haven't read why the public prosecutor isn't pursuing this. I'm sure it'll be some reasonable reason due to some legislation the prosecutors can't get around. Or something to that effect.

But this case seems emblimatic of the corporate geared legislative structure the five-eyes countries citizens have had foisted upon them. Yet again an obviously in the wrong company is walking away laughing as their pockets jingle, while the damage caused by their products to third parties goes largely unrestrained. Do we really want to carry on down this path?

For context this morning i've also been listening to Ralph Nader, so thats where my minds at right now.

Link to the episode, if people want to listen: https://www.capitalisnt.com/episodes/ralph-naders-capitalism


So, uh should i be expecting a visit from the fuzz for all the tap reseals i may or may not have done over the years?


What is this god awful reporting! ABC should be ashamed of publishing this.

Ted O'connor (reporter) has written a lazy and trashy puff piece. Pitting rural against metro.

He included a series of comments from locals - (no shade on them, their opinions are all important, but not the only justifications required) - in place of some actual analysis of the reasons why the pool project has become a monster.

And finally the only solution presented is "More money please!"

If we are going to have a mature debate about issues in this country then reporters need to present the public more than worn out culture war excrement, and a series of personal stories.

This could have become a great piece on how the government hasn't got its eyes on the cost of living and inequity starting to really affect all kinds of Western Australians. Its dissapointing.


Based around the Easter prison break 148 years ago!


"The hub itself is essentially an office that can be used as a meeting space or to "print documents"."

For example like printing... seccession papers!! Hehe


I don't imagine theres much room in the WA electorate to vote further to the 'left' than Labor. But still, a couple more Greens, or even Teals, could really help push the WA government faster down the path they're already slow walking down.

Also gas companies pay shit-all royalties for what they're getting, so why do them any favours!? I don't understand why they have such a large presence in policy decisions in this state.

[-] Gorgritch_umie_killa@aussie.zone 22 points 4 months ago

Okay. If i haven't already made my first 'old person' comment. This definitely is it.

Who can't read cursive?

[-] Gorgritch_umie_killa@aussie.zone 14 points 11 months ago

Fair enough. Cheers for explainer :)

[-] Gorgritch_umie_killa@aussie.zone 12 points 11 months ago

Why is Knox anti-consumer? I just saw it as their security partner?

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