
joined 1 year ago
[–] HipHoboHarold@kbin.social 6 points 1 year ago (7 children)

And it's gonna suck for most of us in a lot of ways. Like I moved up north partially because of politics back in 2014. Now some are eventually gonna follow and move up here as well. Plus, I can't afford a house. A lot of people can't afford one. But when more and more people come, we won't have enough. Unless we see some real, meaningful changes in the way we handle housing, it's gonna be a shit show.

I was talking to my mom back in I think 2020 and the subject of the cost of a home came up. I told her how much they are here, and she said me and my boyfriend should move near her and some other family in St Louis. While I would love to be near family, I'm gay. I'm not moving to a red state. And I'm not looking to buy a house I will eventually need to abandon with no one buying it. That's a lot of money to just lose.

[–] HipHoboHarold@kbin.social 6 points 1 year ago

I play games for the games. I might have a preference on the type of TV and shit, but that's all personal preference. If the game is good, it's good on either one.

[–] HipHoboHarold@kbin.social 2 points 1 year ago

I might check this one out later. I usually use audiobookbay, but half the links are dead if it's more than 5 months old. And i keep forgetting to try and log in at the right time for Myanonymouse.

[–] HipHoboHarold@kbin.social 2 points 1 year ago

I also feel like it's become more right wing. Or at least now that some people have left, the balance has shifted further to the right. I went on yesterday, and r/WhitePeopleTwitter, a fairly left wing sub, is now having a lot of Republicans. Really killed my desire to go back. It was something I know a lot of people predicted would happen, but still sad in a way to see.

Edit: Also the fact that the main niche subs I went to are dead. They used to be pretty active, but since they reopened, a lot of users were not happy. So now it's a post every few days. I think one of the subs just got completely deleted. Sadly they're not as active here.

[–] HipHoboHarold@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It is a protected class

The first amendment is the thing you're missing with all of this. People can discriminate against gay people. But only if it takes away their first amendment. The courts ruled that art should not be forced. So they don't have to serve gay people. But if someone is selling a car, that has nothing to do with art.

[–] HipHoboHarold@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago

Well we don't use it for just anyone who has any different opinion. So the problem right there is solved. We do use it frequently. But that's when we see thing like homo/transphobia(Nazis hated queer people), antisemitism(another group Nazis hated), racism(also Nazis), and sexism(once again, Nazis). There seems to be a pretty fucking large overlap of what modern day Republicans preach and what the Nazis preached. Including as of lately "eradicating transgenderness" and "erasing communities." As well as the amount of terrorist attacks that ha e actively been encouraged.

So if you would prefer we could just call everyone bigot, since that includes them all and not everyone personally considers themselves a Nazi, but I hardly see the difference between a Nazi, the KKK, Proud Boys, 3%ers, etc, when they all preach the exact same stuff. At that point you're not arguing anything except semantics. It's like the whole "race realism" thing. It's racism, but more palatable to racists who think the name racist is mean, but not the mentality.

I guess another way to look at it is as people keep bringing up, but there's a German saying about this. If you have a table with 9 people and 1 Nazi, you have 10 Nazis.

This also doesn't change the actual argument being made, which is about a forum that is open. In which case, you do get Nazis. Like not even what we mean when we call Nazis as Nazis, but people who call themselves Nazis. We have seen that over and over and over. You get Nazis, and you get pedophiles. Then everyone else starts to leave and you are stuck with Nazis and pedophiles.

So once again, I get the mentality behind it. In a lot of ways I would love a site like that. But it's also a little different for those of us that are having people call for our deaths on a regular basis.

[–] HipHoboHarold@kbin.social 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

If me and you are having a discussion, but the topic is the fact that I want to kill you, how long will it take before you stop wanting to talk to me?

"But it's just words!"

Well, we know that's not true, so how long would it take before you stopped wanting to be around me?

Oh, also I promote pediphelia. Just as a little fun thing. Just the casual story of raping kids.

I get the appeal. I do. I 1000% do. I get it. But also fuck Nazis. I don't want to be around them. I'm gay, so they don't want to be around me. Fuck pedophiles. I don't want to be around them. So if a site is filled with Nazis and pedophiles, I'm gonna go to a different site. Now you have an echo chamber of Nazis and pedophiles. The thing you wanted to avoid. But you're stuck with only talking to Nazis and pedophiles.

Meanwhile the bubble without Nazis is a really large bubble encompassing everything except Nazis and pedophiles.

Which hardly looks like a bubble.

[–] HipHoboHarold@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago

Well luckily the bank denied the purchases both times. Both sites were weird. It was something like bsttc4.com or some shit. One was for about $10, the other $35. So I didn't lose any money. I just don't have a card. And I work when the bank is open, so I can't go pull cash out.

Also luckily I should have enough groceries and what not. They said it should be in 4-6 days, and that was Tuesday, so hopefully soon. And if an emergency does happen, I have people I could probably borrow money from.

[–] HipHoboHarold@kbin.social 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I want FF16 so bad! Unfortunately the other day someone tried to use my bank info to buy some stuff. The bank caught it, but that means they had to cancel my debit card. So now I have to wait till my new card comes in.

[–] HipHoboHarold@kbin.social 2 points 1 year ago

Unfortunately I work on the weekends. I got Mon and Tues off. My boyfriend also works the night shift on Thur, Fri, and Sat night.

But tomorrow night I'll probably take my dog for a walk, and when I get back have a beer or two and mod my PS3. Been thinking about it for awhile. Started busting out my PS2 and was thinking about updating it since I modded it awhile ago, then realized I never got around to doing the PS3. Unfortunately I eventually need to get an external hdd for the games, so it's just gonna be the basics of modding it.

[–] HipHoboHarold@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago

Not only is it interesting, and not only is it something they could have left for later

But why would someone be upset at a quick 10 second mental break from work? Take a second to breath. Let out some stress. You didn't send them a novel and require them to read it then and there and throw all of their work off. It was just a quick little micro break.

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