I don't really like you, theanonymousjoker, but I despise madaidan and mikay as well, I followed your discussions in the age of the controversy between graphene/copper in nogoolag group (when it was still a semi-decent and not "conspirational" telegram group) and anyone of you were awful. BUT I think your privacy guide make sense to anyone who can't or don't want to buy a Google phone, and to anyone who don't want or can't root his phone. It was a good, democrat guide, and I appreciated his content, even if not his tone. This attack on reddit is awful, you don't deserve this hate and I hope you are alright. Stay strong
r/PrivacyGuides is allowing a personally targeting post with my name in post title currently, slandering me and my smartphone guide
I saw a video a couple days ago, it seems non-LTS versions of Ubuntu are better for consumers and newbies, since there are better drivers and hardware support