[-] Klordok@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago

I've seen the Charlton Heston one, and the 2001 Mark Wahlberg one. The original was obviously better. I hadn't seen any of the current cycle until I saw Kingdom last weekend. It was fine.

I listened to a recap of the previous 3 films and it didn't matter. Kingdom takes place "many generations" after the third movie so all the other characters are dead. Kingdom's story works fine as a standalone film. It's not amazing, but there's nothing particularly awful about it. Now I'll probably see the next couple, but they're not high on my list.

[-] Klordok@lemmy.world 10 points 1 month ago

From the paper.

Ultrasounds accelerate extraction processes due to acoustic cavitation [8], [9]. When acoustic bubbles, also called inertial bubbles, collapse near solid materials, such as coffee grounds, they generate micro-jets with the force to fracture the cell walls of plant tissues, intensifying the extraction of the intracellular content [10].

Seems more involved than just aggressive stirring.


[-] Klordok@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago

I store mine in a plastic container with an air tight seal. I prefer to use fresh grounds, but my grinder seems more consistent with higher volume. I usually grind 2-3 brews worth at time.

[-] Klordok@lemmy.world 6 points 1 month ago

Steam World: Heist. Tactical turn based shooter. Somewhere between Worms and X-Com, definitely on the lighter side. It's the same vibe as Steam World 1 and 2, but now the cowboy robots are in space. It's perfect for the Deck and easy to pick up for a few minutes at lunch or in between meetings.

[-] Klordok@lemmy.world 16 points 2 months ago

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. It felt like mostly nothing happened for 2 hours. There was some decent dialogue and a lot of references to 1950s and 60s Hollywood. There is some build up, but not much payoff until the last 20 minutes. Then everything goes off and you are reminded that this is a Tarantino film.

[-] Klordok@lemmy.world 25 points 4 months ago

That's the point, right? At best this will shut down some poorly written legislation. If it doesn't, and the law gets changed to be explicitly Christian, then at least it's out in the open and no one can claim it's about protecting ALL religions.

[-] Klordok@lemmy.world 7 points 4 months ago

Everything Is Alright - Motion City Soundtrack

A.D.D. - Ten Foot Pole

[-] Klordok@lemmy.world 4 points 4 months ago

I have a similar experience when I'm sick. I usually feel more calm and it seems easier to cook or read.

[-] Klordok@lemmy.world 29 points 4 months ago

The Children of Time books by Adrian Tchaikovsky have a lot of those themes. Half of the first book is about an ark ship sent out to find a habitable planet because earth is dying. It spans hundreds of years as key crew members go in and out of hyper sleep. Relationships and political factions form and dissolve as the ageing ship continues its mission to find a new home.

The second book focuses on a terraforming crew that was sent to another star system to prepare a planet for humans. However, the planet's ecology is so alien it proves very difficult to gain a foothold.

[-] Klordok@lemmy.world 9 points 4 months ago

That's just a French Press in denial.

[-] Klordok@lemmy.world 5 points 6 months ago

I've got a playlist, "Everything sucks but that's ok". This Year by The Mountain Goats is usually a solid pick. It's wistful and defiant without being too sweet.

Misanthropic Drunken Loner by Days N Daze is bleak with a wry smile.

Nausea by Jeff Rosenstock.

I got so tired of discussing my future I started avoiding the people I love Evenings of silence and mornings of nausea Shake and sweat and I can’t throw up

And if things are starting to get a little better Good As It Gets by Little Hurt is great. It is incredibly catchy.

[-] Klordok@lemmy.world 6 points 7 months ago

Less programming, more file templates. I did more scripting as Desktop Support than I do as a DevOps engineer. Most of the automation is handled by existing software. The main job is figuring out how to install software in an environment, then making templates that can replicate the install with different parameters and minimal effort.

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