[-] KrasMazov@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 11 hours ago

It's absolutely great! I don't mind the noise cause I really like the feeling of the buttons. My gripe with it is that their software only runs on Windows, it sucks to have to boot a VM to be able to configure the buttons, at least it lets me configure 4 different profiles. I also saw they just released the Vader 4 Pro, looks cool but doesn't seem like a big upgrade.

[-] KrasMazov@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 18 hours ago

Can China clone a controller with hall effect sticks and decent build quality because the build quality of controllers PS4/XB1/Switch and up has been noticeably worse.

They already do. I bought a Flydigi Vader 3 Pro at the end of last year and it has been amazing so far. Still feels like new and I use it a lot. There's also other highly regarded controllers like those from GuliKit and from 8bitdo.

[-] KrasMazov@lemmygrad.ml 26 points 2 months ago

Yeah, as a neurodivergent person too, I also faced bullying and it was fucking horrible.

I can see bullying still being an issue on the first generation of people living in a socialist society, but as the individualistic ideology starts fading in favor of a more collective one, it will probably become much less of an issue.

That being said, it's probably a good idea for said society to actually teach people how to be parents, teach professionals how to deal with bullying at school, etc. I always found weird how school never teaches kids this stuff in my country. If we learned at some point in the educational system how to parent, it would probably lead to a much healthier family relationships in general on society.

There's also other stuff that can and should be done, like teaching about neurodivergent people, about limits, respect, empathy, etc.

One thing is for certain tho, I cannot see bullying stopping under capitalism.

CW: bullying case that lead to deathJust recently a 13 year old autistic boy died from health complications after being physically bullied in a school in the state of São Paulo here in Brasil and not receiving the proper medical care after being dismissed multiple times by medical professionals that only prescribed some medication. There are videos of the kid crying in pain and having difficulty breathing. This case is utterly fucking revolting and shows how deep bullying is ingrained in our society, specially since the school knew and did absolutely nothing, there are reports of parents contacting the directors on multiple occasions about bullying happening in that school, and nothing ever happened. The toilet he was beaten in was called "the toilet of death" for fuck's sake.

[-] KrasMazov@lemmygrad.ml 42 points 2 months ago

This video was tough to get through, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I really appreciate comrades Aleksa and Alex showing this bullshit for what it is, my only criticism is that they weren't harsher on it. Still, what the actual fuck? How can the original video even be produced in the first place? From the racist thumbnail to the actual unhinged content on the video, it is just completely absurd. Fucking hell, homeless people aren't even human to these guys, they are just content. And it has 7.5M views, I'm just gonna keep to myself what I think these guys deserve.

[-] KrasMazov@lemmygrad.ml 36 points 2 months ago

I remember seeing tankie being used only a couple of times when I was a lib, then eventually as I was leaning ever more left, I joined r/196 and that's when I started seeing it being used a lot more and started understanding what it meant. By that time I didn't even know much about socialism, let alone communism, so I just thought that the folks there were probably right in "attacking the tankies" since they probably knew much more than I did.

Well, was I wrong, lol. Good thing there's a lot of good ML content on youtube, otherwise I probably would still be a lib by now.

[-] KrasMazov@lemmygrad.ml 22 points 5 months ago

I rarely see people do this, not even leftist accounts I follow. Which made me think, should we be less afraid about calling shit like this out? To send some sort of message that we are not afraid of losers like them? Or do you think it is counter productive to do so?

Oh this type of stuff should be called out in a more aggressive manner a 100%. Far too often I see both communists and "left" liberals just replying mildly to straight up racism or fascism online. I see it all the time on twitter, youtube, instagram and reddit.

Sometimes a simple "go fuck yourself you racist piece of shit" is way more impactful than trying to make a point or using reason when responding.

[-] KrasMazov@lemmygrad.ml 36 points 5 months ago

Oh it's 100% the brain worms they got from all the propaganda.

You can clearly see this when some post on r/gaming or r/pcmasterrace involves China and/or Tencent in any way. There's always blatant sinophobia, propaganda and racism mixed in there.

The weird thing is, that sentiment made it's way here in Brazil too. I don't really remember much since it was 10+ years ago, but I do recall anti-Baidu stuff on the internet, mostly calling it a computer virus and such and even about Tencent much more recently, although not a lot of stuff.

I also have seen gringos making some valid criticism about predatory monetization by Tencent, but it is usually followed with "China bad".

[-] KrasMazov@lemmygrad.ml 19 points 5 months ago

Funny how your response to claims of a war perpetuated by the US that took the life of millions is to call us "stans" and point that we are the ones with the wild takes uh.

Either engage in good faith and at least try to understand what is being talked about or get your liberal lemm.ee ass out of here.

[-] KrasMazov@lemmygrad.ml 20 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

You're almost there. The problem is not that power corrupts, by this logic there's nothing you can do and every country is doomed. The issue is not individual, but collective.

The problem is that the whole structure of the system is made for the interests of the wealthy that detain all the power and not for the hard working majority of people. Lobbying is the perfect example of that.

And it's not about good or bad, but simply colliding antagonic class interests where the class that holds the power always wins.

It's easy to get doomerish and think that people or power is the problem, that's precisely the position the ruling class wants you to take because it keeps then safe and keeps us under their capitalistic boots.

I invite you to read Marx. Once you understand the systemic root cause of the issues we see everyday, it's truly freeing. I suggest the Communist Manifesto since it is really short and can get you the general grasp, just be aware that it's language is very dated.

Here are other good entry points:

Why You Should be a Socialist in 2024 by Second Thought

Will Life be Better Under Socialism? by Hakim

How Capitalism sells poverty as modesty & why equality isn't a practical goal. by Yugopnik

[-] KrasMazov@lemmygrad.ml 21 points 5 months ago

Yes please! The grad proletariat yearns for the emojis.


Hey comrades, how do you deal with bigotry irl?

I'm really sick of so many people around me just saying some LGBTphobic, misogynistic or racist shit. It's bad enough seeing it all over social media everyday, but irl it's even worse. And I can't bring myself to confront anyone about it, be it in person or in a voice call. I don't even know how to confront this type of behavior, what to say, what tone to use, which expressions to make. The few times I managed to do it I was either mocked or met with verbal resistance.

It also doesn't help that my city is very right-wing to say the least, it's like no one I know even think about any of this. It's honestly so tiring.

[-] KrasMazov@lemmygrad.ml 17 points 8 months ago

Executive disfunction is a nightmare, what you are saying here almost describes me to a tee too.

I'm not gonna say you have X or Y, but you definitely need to seek mental health evaluation. I know it is probably tough even thinking of doing that, I only managed to after years of being afraid of doing it.

And please don't be so though on yourself, it's easy to take blame for everything, if you really were a coward you wouldn't make this post. You clearly care about this and want to change, and that shows strength and a will to turn your life around.

I don't think forcing yourself to change is gonna do you good, instead take it slow.

Something that is really helping me over the years is realizing that much of the reason I have these issues is because of something outside of my control, even when something doesn't look like it is that. Also being kinder to myself, instead of thinking I'm dumb or a idiot for doing or not doing something and beating myself over it, I try to accept it and realize this stuff happens, telling myself it's gonna be ok and I try to take it easy. It is really slowly changing my self image, but it is a change nonetheless.

It's not a linear progression tho and there are gonna be times when it gets tough, but it is possible to get better, I believe in you, comrade.

Rulenin (lemmygrad.ml)
[-] KrasMazov@lemmygrad.ml 41 points 9 months ago

Oh just fuck off you transphobic, ableist piece of shit.

You come here saying the most ignorant, insensitive crap and then try to demand people to answer you?

And stop with the LGB bullshit. Will it take you imbeciles having your skulls literally crushed by fascists to realize that siding with this alt-right rethoric is the wrong fucking thing to do?

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