[-] Lakija@lemmy.world 55 points 10 months ago

Are you serious? Holy shit. I haven’t seen any at all. But just the thought that someone is posting it. I hate people sometimes.

[-] Lakija@lemmy.world 14 points 10 months ago

Well damn. Thank you. Saving this! I have Ublock origin already. I’m excited about the other suggestions too!

Pinterest is half the fucking google image search. Bye! And the other half is shopping ads. Google can kiss my grits.

[-] Lakija@lemmy.world 67 points 10 months ago

That’s messed up. I wouldn’t put up with that shit. It’s like counting digital calories

[-] Lakija@lemmy.world 21 points 10 months ago

If you are in enough mental distress self harm starts looking like a real good idea as an excuse to not go to work. Of course it’s not logical or reasonable. It’s a reaction to stress. It’s an irrational intrusive thought.

If I hadn’t experienced something similar I would feel a little skeptical. :(

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Lakija@lemmy.world to c/headphones@lemmy.film

I took this from an old post I made using a post template from reddits headphone community.

Budget: I think I would like to stay around $50. But if they are a truly good investment I’ll go up to $100. If they would change my life up to $120.

Source: Bluetooth/wireless. I will listen on my iPhone.

Requirements for Isolation. Will you be using these Headphones in Public?: I think I would like medium isolation as these will be in public. It is safer to be able to hear my surroundings while also indicating to others not to talk to me in the train.

Preferred Type of Headphones: I suppose over the ear. Wireless earbuds make me nervous they’ll fall out

Preferred tonal balance: I love me some some bass! I want sweeping jazz orchestras to blow me away.

Past headphones: I had my Bluetooth Panasonic RP-HTX80B. They served me years. Before that I had the same kind but wired for even more years. I also had two pairs of JLab Bombara matte brown. They got a lot of use till they broke. They weren’t very durable. Did not last years lol

I am very careful with my headphones. It’s telling that both my Panasonics lasted that long and not the JLabs. They were all nice overall, but I wished they fit better. They never sat close enough to my ear to get that strong bass. They were alright.

Preferred Music: I listen to everything. From R&B to Motown, Golden Oldies to Metal, movie soundtracks to jazz.

Here are samples of my general taste in music: Agape | Nicholas Britell

Respiration | Black Star

Them Bones | Alice In Chains

Sunlight | Esperanza Spalding

Be Ever Wonderful | Earth Wind and Fire

I suppose I want something that can handle sweeping jazz and R&B, and some strong bass as well. Of all these songs, I would want Be Ever Wonderful to sound like absolute perfection if that helps. I would just die if it sounded as good as possible.

What would you like to improve on from your set-up: Everything. Just set me on the right path.

I posted before but got no hits. Figured I would try again. I do see it’s going dark soon tho

[-] Lakija@lemmy.world 42 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I agree. I think that he knew that Russia was going to attack Ukraine. (It is weird how trump got involved with Zelensky during that infamous phone call.)

Trump tried to get us (US) out of NATO so bad because then we would be free to use our military power in favor of Russia against Ukraine.

[-] Lakija@lemmy.world 14 points 11 months ago

This news makes me want to throw up. This country is descending further and further into the dark ages every day.

I have to stop doomscrolling.

[-] Lakija@lemmy.world 13 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Why the fuck is this even in question. I never thought I’d see the day. Ron DeSatan is pushing the envelope as far as he can to see what the limit is, and the resistance is too damn low.

I would say he can kiss my ass but I don’t want that piece of shit near my butthole.

[-] Lakija@lemmy.world 35 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I used the good old toaster in our closed department one morning just like always. But that morning my toast caught fire!

My coworker put it out but the smell of burning toast permeating the entire floor of the building. Where the public walks around.

Of course I hear “is something burning?” “Mommy I smell toast!” Etc.

We pretended it didn’t happen when security came around. “What? I smell it too! That’s so weird!”

Needless to say toasters were banned after that. We ended up getting a small toaster oven that’s better quality. Probably still not allowed but we like to live on the edge.

[-] Lakija@lemmy.world 12 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

That is spooky. Of course I had to go look it up. Contrary to that first part of the Wikipedia page, this is no longer conspiracy. It’s becoming the reality.


That’s Reddit for real now. Especially with the rise of AI and similar

[-] Lakija@lemmy.world 18 points 11 months ago

I never used my account. I hate twitter. However, I love hearing about the failures of Elon Musk.

[-] Lakija@lemmy.world 73 points 11 months ago

They could have fixed the clutter and still accumulated money. They’re really bad at business

[-] Lakija@lemmy.world 12 points 11 months ago

Regardless of whether you like Reddit or not why would you like spez? He’s a horrible business professional who idolizes a worse business professional.

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