[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 50 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

We are all gas with a slightly denser particle distribution.


[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 48 points 4 months ago

My two favourite articles on libertarian experiments gone horribly wrong:

The Rise and Fall of the “Freest Little City in Texas”: How a Libertarian Experiment in City Government Fell Apart Over Taxes, Debt, and Some Very Angry People


The Town That Went Feral: based upon A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear by Matthew Hongoltz

Some choice quotes:

“This is one of the worst things I’ve ever done,” she said of being mayor. “I’ve never dealt with such angry people. I’m washing my hands of everything. … I’m going to travel. I’m going as far away from Von Ormy as I can.”

Nearly everyone in town has an opinion on who’s to blame. But it’s probably safe to say that the vision of the city’s founder, a libertarian lawyer whose family traces its roots in Von Ormy back six generations, has curdled into something that is part comedy, part tragedy.

When a group of libertarians set about scrapping their local government, chaos descended. And then the bears moved in.

One woman, who prudently chose to remain anonymous save for the sobriquet “Doughnut Lady,” revealed to Hongoltz-Hetling that she had taken to welcoming bears on her property for regular feasts of grain topped with sugared doughnuts. If those same bears showed up on someone else’s lawn expecting similar treatment, that wasn’t her problem. The bears, for their part, were left to navigate the mixed messages sent by humans who alternately threw firecrackers and pastries at them. Such are the paradoxes of Freedom.

Both articles are well worth the read.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 52 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Dude, yeah. It’s so weird.

I refused circumcision for my son (25 years ago, US hospital), and had to remind the staff several times because it was just assumed it would be done. I stopped them 3 times during different shifts when they were about to take him from our room for the procedure.

Then when it came up in conversation when he was an infant, people would say to me ‘you should have done it’, because he would get infections (he never did), or he’d be bullied in gym showers (he never did to my knowledge), or whatever. My take was it should be his decision, not mine.

The pressure was really intense, though. It’s weird how interested people can be in someone else’s infant’s penis. We’ve never talked about it, but reading stories from other men, I assume he’s happy being uncut, and I’m glad I didn’t do it.

e: for anyone reading this days later, I did ask my son for his opinion prompted by this conversation, mostly because of responses I got elsewhere in this thread that made me question my decision:

Me: Hey man, so feel free not to answer this if it’s too personal, but I was having a debate about circumcision and another parent challenged me saying I’d made the wrong decision. So yes/no/I don’t want to talk about it cuz that’s weird, do you regret my decision?

Son: I don’t, and none of my partners have, either. I only get thumbs up and compliments. I hope that wasn’t too personal.

Me: Not at all. Thank you for giving me your and your partners’ review!

So yeah, it’s not just my assumptions. And no regrets.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 48 points 6 months ago

a 31-year-old mother of two

Bonus chance of leaving two kids motherless, too. Party of family values.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 52 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Can confirm: I had a programming management position in the early 2000s, and once had a dev screaming at me with his nose less than two inches from my own after I called him out for egregious project delays (I was a programmer, too). I asked him if he’d like to take it outside, but he declined. Exactly the same energy I’ve had from others as a girl gamer.

I’ve never seen that behaviour towards men in a professional setting, but some of these immature boys seem to think it’s okay to act that way towards women.

And that’s why I gave up on multiplayer games years ago. I play to have fun, not to be the dartboard for these children’s unresolved mommy issues when I’m not even getting paid for it.

e: hey downvoters, how about you reply with why you took issue with my comment. I’m honestly curious about what I said that you didn’t like. Was it that you’re manchildren who can only challenge people you perceive as lesser than yourselves, and that’s only women and children, or was it that I called you out in the first place? Please, let me know where on this porcelain doll I hurt you.

The absolute least you can do is to tell me how my words injure you so. Downvoting with no comment is a bitch move.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 50 points 7 months ago

Also because billionaires tend to be sociopaths since that kind of wealth hoarding isn’t really possible unless you have little empathy for others. Sociopaths love fascism because it lets them take what they want by force, ignore social norms, and enslave or genocide anyone who they deem an impediment.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 48 points 8 months ago

So he’s either a bigot, which should disqualify him, or he’s got serious memory deficits, which should disqualify him. And this is the best (R) they have.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 51 points 8 months ago

Thank you for subscribing to horse facts! 𐂃

Horses produce roughly 10 gallons of saliva per day!

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 50 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

When your future began to depend on what you were published in, and those publishers had to compete with corporate interests. Capitalism poisons nearly everything it touches, but especially academia.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 49 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

“Reem’s has a deep commitment to uplifting social and racial justice in our communities,” the statement said. “This includes fostering an environment of safety for our staff and customers. In a time of increased gun violence — particularly impacting people of color, youth, and queer people — we believe that maintaining a strict policy of prohibiting guns in our restaurant keeps us safer.”

They don’t want guns on their property. It’s pretty simple. They have the right to restrict guns on their property.

Calling them ‘bigots’ and ‘discriminatory’ is disgusting, because those words mean hating people for inherent qualities that can’t be changed, like skin colour. You can leave your gun and uniform behind and poof you magically aren’t in the ‘discriminated’ group.

Black people can’t leave their skin in their car. See the difference? No? Then you might be a bigot.

e: anonymous downvoters, don’t be a pussy, reply please. That’s the whole point of this forum. Engage or gtfo.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 52 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The thing about unregulated capitalism is it will always fuck over society in favour of sociopaths. Unregulated capitalism rewards sociopaths because it focusses on profits above all else – shareholders get stupidly rich only if they don’t care about the damage done to workers and the public, sociopaths who don’t care about such damage can promise the highest profits, and that’s rewarded by a hyper-focus on the bottom line.

Unregulated capitalism rewards ruthless cost-cutting, treating people like robotic assets, slash-and-burn corporate policies, and a culture of near-slavery.

Adding new tech only makes inhumane policies easier to implement. It’s why people like Musk have more money than they could spend in a thousand lifetimes. When the goal is to maximise profits at all costs, of course the consumer will get fucked. That’s rather the point.

E: in short, prices will continue to increase as these people try to find the ceiling. Ps: there is no real ceiling.

submitted 11 months ago by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/sewing@lemmy.world
submitted 11 months ago by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/oldschoolcool@lemmy.world
submitted 11 months ago by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/news@lemmy.world

In a study published in June in Environmental Science & Technology, Hussain and his colleagues reported that, when microwaved, these containers released millions of bits of plastic, called microplastics, and even tinier nanoplastics.


Once they’ve snuck past the body’s defense systems, “the chemicals used in plastics hack hormones,” says Leonardo Trasand, a professor at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine and the director of the Center for the Investigation of Environmental Hazards. Hormones are signaling molecules underlying basically everything the body does, so these chemicals, called endocrine disruptors, have the potential to mess with everything from metabolismto sexual development and fertility.


Judith Enck, a former EPA regional administrator and the president of Beyond Plastics, a policy and advocacy group against plastic pollution, stopped microwaving plastic 30 years ago. She thinks that you should, too: “My goodness, especially if you have kids or if you’re pregnant, do not put plastic in the microwave.”

“It’s a pain in the neck,” she acknowledges, but “even this one study should be a wake-up call—not just to new parents but to the FDA. They need to be far more proactive.” Transand agrees: “The FDA is glacially behind.”


“I don’t believe that there are microwave-safe plastics.” Trasand and Enck agree that while independent studies should continue testing how much plastic is being released from food packaging, there is already enough evidence to show that “microwave-safe plastic” isn’t really safe. “I think the FDA needs to tell companies that they can no longer say any plastic is microwavable,” says Enck.

submitted 11 months ago by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/xbox@lemmy.ca

For a good while, there was a bit of hype built around the Xbox Series S, in particular for the retro gaming scene. It was a cheaper device that offered a small form factor. Likewise, it allowed consumers to download emulators and enjoy various retro video games. But while this process was available, some consumers were skeptical. Of course, it didn’t take Microsoft too long before they outright banned emulators from being available in the marketplace, making it impossible to download and enjoy. That’s just the emulators being used in the Xbox Series X/S retail mode.


  • 15-day suspensions handed out to users of retail emulators as a warning shot from Microsoft.
  • Devs warning users to delete emulators
  • Retail Mode team disbanding and shutting down the Patreon. Sorry to bear the bad news. RT to warn others

[Article continues…]

submitted 11 months ago by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/retrogaming@lemmy.world

For a good while, there was a bit of hype built around the Xbox Series S, in particular for the retro gaming scene. It was a cheaper device that offered a small form factor. Likewise, it allowed consumers to download emulators and enjoy various retro video games. But while this process was available, some consumers were skeptical. Of course, it didn’t take Microsoft too long before they outright banned emulators from being available in the marketplace, making it impossible to download and enjoy. That’s just the emulators being used in the Xbox Series X/S retail mode.



  • 15-day suspensions handed out to users of retail emulators as a warning shot from Microsoft.
  • Devs warning users to delete emulators
  • Retail Mode team disbanding and shutting down the Patreon. Sorry to bear the bad news. RT to warn others

[Article continues…]

submitted 11 months ago by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/space@lemmy.world

Astronomers are perplexed by a strange young planet so close to its parent star that its atmosphere is evaporating and its orbit is changing in unpredictable ways.

The planet AU Microscopii b (AU Mic b), according to scientists from Nasa’s Goddard Space Flight Center, is showing clear signs of atmospheric loss with the its hydrogen-rich atmosphere puffing out in front of the planet, like a headlight on a fast-bound train.

“We’ve never seen atmospheric escape go from completely not detectable to very detectable over such a short period when a planet passes in front of its star,” study co-author Keighley Rockcliffe said.

“We were really expecting something very predictable, repeatable. But it turned out to be weird. When I first saw this, I thought ‘That can’t be right,’” Dr Rockcliffe said.

[Article continues…]

submitted 11 months ago by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/lifeprotips@lemmy.world

Real sheep’s wool is a moisture wick. Your comforter will dry in one cycle. Your wool throw will still be damp, but read wool doesn’t mildew like down or synthetics do.

submitted 11 months ago by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/politics@lemmy.world

Rudy Giuliani conceded in a court filing Tuesday that he made “false” statements about two Georgia 2020 election workers who are suing him over baseless claims of fraud that he made against them.

“Defendant Giuliani, for the purposes of litigation only, does not contest that, to the extent the statements were statements of fact and other wise actionable, such actionable factual statements were false,” Giuliani wrote in a signed stipulation that he said was intended to “avoid unnecessary expenses in litigating what he believes to be unnecessary disputes.”


Giuliani had claimed that Freeman and Moss were “passing around USB ports like they were vials of heroin or cocaine.” In reality, as reflected in the Jan. 6 committee report, they were passing a ginger mint.

Freeman testified to the committee that she “lost my sense of security — all because a group of people, starting with Number 45 and his ally Rudy Giuliani, decided to scapegoat me and my daughter Shaye to push their own lies about how the presidential election was stolen.” The Jan. 6 committee called the duo’s treatment “callous, inhumane, and inexcusable.”

[Story continues]

submitted 11 months ago by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/news@lemmy.world

Four members of a Florida family were convicted Wednesday of selling a toxic industrial bleach as a fake Covid-19 cure through their online church.

A federal jury in Miami found Mark Grenon, 65, and his sons, 37-year-old Jonathan, 35-year-old Joseph and 29-year-old Jordan, guilty of conspiring to defraud the United States and deliver misbranded drugs, according to court records. That charge carries up to five years in prison. Their sentencing is scheduled for Oct. 6.

Prosecutors called the Grenons “con men” and “snake-oil salesmen” and said the Bradenton family’s Genesis II Church of Health and Healing sold $1 million worth of their so-called Miracle Mineral Solution. In videos, it was pitched as a cure for 95% of known diseases, including Covid-19, Alzheimer’s, autism, brain cancer, HIV/AIDS and multiple sclerosis, prosecutors said.

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