Ok, figured it out myself. For anyone else that needs it..
Run a shell within the postgres docker container:
docker exec -it _postgres_1 sh
Connect to the postgres service:
psql -U lemmy -h -p 5432 -d lemmy
Connect to the lemmy database:
\c lemmy
Then the user table: \d local_user
Find the user ID of the account you want to manually toggle, probably #1:
SELECT * from local_user;
Then update the email_verified and _accepted_application flag on the first account:
UPDATE local_user SET email_verified = 't', accepted_application = 't' WHERE id = 1;
lemmy=# UPDATE local_user SET email_verified = 't', accepted_application = 't' WHERE id = 3; UPDATE 1 lemmy=# UPDATE local_user SET email_verified = 't', email_verified= 't' WHERE id = 3; UPDATE 1 lemmy=#
Thats what I figured... I just have no idea how to do it. Can you point me to any info on how to do that? :)