[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 6 points 3 hours ago

wait, how does one rub while also making the hands a less-rubbed place?

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 3 points 3 hours ago

WRONG!! The genitals aren't quite as sensitive to pain as many other regions. There are different kinds of nerve endings, and while that region is filled with quite a few, most don't respond to your brain as pain when triggered.

Sure, the region is going to be VERY off-putting to many, and it's absolutely capable of feeling pain, but it's still interesting how things play out.

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 5 points 5 hours ago

Only if an incompetent made the site. User input is a drop in the bucket compared to aggregation, searching, and now "AI".

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 16 points 12 hours ago

In a conservative's mind, you already had your chance to stay off the street and failed.

They are literally and directly heartless monsters that do not believe in second chances or hard times. They literally assume god is punishing you if you're on hard times.

They are quite literally heartless monsters that want people to be punished for failing to succeed in a rigged system.

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world -2 points 1 day ago

bahaha You are the one with binary thinking... The government doesn't magically mean "not capitalist", fool. When the government spends money, it's not magically "not capitalist", either.

The US government is capitalist because they back up and enforce things for corporations' bottom line. You speak of debt as if that magically makes them not capitalist... You are quite literally ignorant on what "capitalist" even means. Sad. Pathetically sad.

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 10 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

rofl it's not communism just because the government is involved...

The US is capitalist. Full stop. Period. The government BUYS its physical currency, for fuck's sake.

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

You can not believe them all you want. It doesn't magically make everyone competent.

Businesses value MONEY first, not security, not happy customers, not competent staff. MONEY.

Which is cheaper? Get a product working enough to sell. Get a product properly developed, secured, and audited.

Pick one. Hint: corporations choose MONEY. Every time.

Your data is not safe, because rich pieces of shit like MONEY more than they like YOU.

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago

Their "constituents" are the corporations paying their bills. When was the last time you bought a politician?

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 199 points 4 months ago

Parents who buy their children guns at all need to all be evaluated. There is seriously something wrong with giving children something whos intended purpose is delivering lethal force.

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 196 points 5 months ago

Wasn't Play Boy rather progressive at all times? What's the broken clock?

I really hate peoples' misconstruing of attraction with objectification. The presence of nudity doesn't make something bad, exploitative, or wrong. The presence of someone attractive does not mean that is the entire point.

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 189 points 7 months ago

Wait, Google cares about DMCA abuse!? Someone tell them about YouTube.

[-] MotoAsh@lemmy.world 148 points 8 months ago

All corporations. All corporations will not be happy until ownership is a concept of the past. You are borrowing the company's resources and paying them for the service.

If you don't like it, stop heralding capitalism as the be-all of economic systems...

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