
joined 3 months ago
[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Thanks for the replies, I guess the "good" was vague on purpose, to see how people interpret it...

This popped up on one of my feeds today and I saved it, can't remember from where, it's relevant to the above so sharing here: (AI Commons: nourishing alternatives to Big Tech monoculture).

They talk about AI for good, at some point they mention how the term is sometimes used just for marketing.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but a friend from the field is wondering if there are any examples of good AI companies out there? With AI not meaning LLM companies. Thanks!

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Nuclear security? Should be fine, as long as it doesn't involve counting letters in any words.

[–] 8 points 3 months ago

Just received a newsletter from Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000 about their book The AI Con - How to Fight Big Tech’s Hype and Create the Future We Want being available for preorder. I'm looking forward to it!

[–] 24 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Hi, I'm new here. I mean, I've been reading but I haven't commented before.

I'm sure you all know about how cheap labour is used for labelling data for training "AI" systems, but I just came across this video and wanted to share. Apologies if it has already been posted: Training AI takes heavy toll on Kenyans working for $2 an hour.