
joined 1 year ago
[–] OnopordumAcanthium@lemmy.ml 2 points 9 months ago

Lemmy will never become more than it is right now, just because it's full with people like you all.

[–] OnopordumAcanthium@lemmy.ml 1 points 9 months ago

That isnt religion, its church youre talking about.

[–] OnopordumAcanthium@lemmy.ml 5 points 9 months ago (5 children)

How is that arrogant?

[–] OnopordumAcanthium@lemmy.ml -2 points 9 months ago (2 children)
[–] OnopordumAcanthium@lemmy.ml 8 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (7 children)

Reading all these comments... People love to judge. ffs let people believe whatever they want. You can disagree with their preferences without declaring them as dumb or misguided. It's even pretty arrogant to dismiss others view of why reality exists when literally no one knows the answer to that.

[–] OnopordumAcanthium@lemmy.ml 28 points 9 months ago (9 children)

It's expensive and has only the advantage of catching CO2, while trees have more than just that. Produces O2, Cooling the near surroundings, are a save heaven for many species and therefore increases biodiversity, filters the air and soil, also makes the soil more healthy and probably many other reasons.

Humans really are weird. Trying to replace a perfectly fine bio-machinery that developed over Thousands of years with their own steel junk. I dont see why anybody would prefer that gadget over a tree.

[–] OnopordumAcanthium@lemmy.ml 1 points 10 months ago

Second this. First season was phenomenonal

[–] OnopordumAcanthium@lemmy.ml 1 points 10 months ago

Bron (Sweden/Denmark)

[–] OnopordumAcanthium@lemmy.ml 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Ihr alle dreht euch im Kreis

[–] OnopordumAcanthium@lemmy.ml 1 points 11 months ago

I meant that i eat everything except the litte stem on top - and in multiple bites of course :D

[–] OnopordumAcanthium@lemmy.ml 5 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (2 children)

I eat apples as a whole. It recently confused some of my new co-students :D

[–] OnopordumAcanthium@lemmy.ml 2 points 11 months ago

That sounds like a nice one, Thanks!


Hey you all, i started using LibreOffice since i switched to Linux, but i didn't used it often yet so I'm still getting the hang of it. Since I'm gonna start College next week, I'm interested in what extensions you can recommend. Some weeks ago i read that it's recommend to install some fonts, so when you exchange documents with other students that are using Microsoft Office, there will be less of formatting issues.

So can you recommend me some useful Extensions, e.g. fonts for the situation above, that can help me in everyday life (as a student)?

I'm looking forward to your suggestions :)


Hallo liebe Feddit User :) Ich starte nächsten Monat ein Studium im MINT Bereich (Ökosystemmanagement -> eher lebenswissenschaftlich, biologische Themen) und besuche aktuell den Mathe Vorkurs. Kurzum, es ist eine komplette Katastrophe.

Ich war nie sehr gut in Mathe und bin immer eher durchgerutscht. Meine Beste Note war mal eine 3, in den meisten Fällen eher 4 oder 5. Im Abi hatte ich den Grundkurs, wo wir quasi die Jahre nur durchgechillt haben (damals war ich froh, dass dem Lehrer nur die anwesendheitspflicht ausreichte, im nachhinein eigentlich blöd). Mein Abi ist jetzt auch schon gut 6 Jahre her, heißt, ich hatte lange kein Mathe mehr. Ich habe im Vorkurs festgestellt, dass ich tatsächlich recht ausgeprägte Lücken vorweise, also zum Thema Funktionen, Potenzen, Brüche, teilweise auch Probleme oder eher eingerostet was Rechenregeln angeht. Ich verstehe bei der Vorlesung vielleicht 20% und da das Tutorium aufgrund schlechter Organisation seitens Uni auf Englisch ist, habe ich durch meine schlechten Mathe Kenntnisse und der zusätzlichen Sprachbarriere ebenfalls Schwierigkeiten mitzukommen.

Ich möchte das Studium unbedingt anpacken und schaffen, bin zwar schon 25 und fange relativ spät an zu studieren, aber ich bin motiviert und auch am Thema interessiert. Nur dieses Mathe Modul (wo ua. auch Statistik dran kommen wird) macht mir wirklich schon jetzt Bauchschmerzen. Ich möchte das Mathe Modul eigentlich gerne im ersten Semester abhaken, aber im Zweifel schiebe ich es auf und bringe mir erstmal die Basics bei, um das Modul gut zu überstehen.

Um zum Punkt zu kommen, hatte jemand eine ähnliche Erfahrung und/oder kann mir Literatur empfehlen, die mir hilft die Oberstufen Basics noch ein mal in Alleinarbeit durchzugehen? Ich freue mich über jeden Tipp. Auf Reddit habe ich bereits von Papula gelesen? Vielleicht hat ja jemand noch weitere Empfehlungen :)


Hey, so my friend asked me which distro i can recommend for him. He basically used Windows his whole life. The recent developments of Microsoft though seems to worry him, so he want to give Linux a try.

I myself use Linux since around one year, so i'm definitely far from being an expert and i don't really feel i have enough expertise to give him an appropriate answer. I use OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and love it, but i suppose it's not a good distro for him since he is not that tech affine and i suppose getting used to the terminal is a bit much too ask and could scare him away from the Linux experience.

So what im looking for is a distro, that is easy to use (for beginners & non techies; also not a rolling release) but is also good for Gaming (NVIDIA) and lightly everyday stuff. He uses his computer only for free time, not for his work.

I hope some people here have some helpful recommendations. I was thinking of maybe recommend Mint or Ubuntu, but i only used Ubuntu for a few days and don't really know much about it.


Theuer sagte im Interview der Woche des Deutschlandfunks, die geplante Generalsanierung gleiche einer Operation am offenen Herzen. Auf die Fahrgäste komme "eine knallharte Phase" zu.


Hey people from Lemmy, i like to try out a Futon since many people report they found better sleep with it. I would love to read some more experiences.

So anyone who slept on a Futon on a daily Basis how is or was your experience with it?

Edit: Thanks for all your replies. I think i go for it and just try one out!

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